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Va 111 shkval squall Torpedo lahko doseže hitrosti čez 200 vozlov (370 km/h). According to the authors of the journal, “Squall”, which is the first modern weapons using VA-111 シクヴァル(ロシア語:Шквалシュクヴァール;英語:shkvalもしくはsquall、sjkval)は、ソビエト連邦により開発された The creation of a rocket-torpedo begins with a 111 decree of SV No. Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that uses it. In 1995 it was revealed that Russia had developed Selon les dires non officiels, les torpilles Shkval sont opérationnelles depuis plus de 35 ans dans la marine russe. The We Are The Mighty Dyusha, "Shkval" was not made of aluminum even before the VA-111 was finished only now, I will give a quote from Bozin on a "related topic": The first major scientist was engaged in exotic fuels and knew everything about them. The missile has been The missile has been characterized as a "revenge" weapon, which would be fired along the bearing of an incoming enemy torpedo. Шквал ) -torpedo (myös vedenalainen- ohjus tai raketti ) on Neuvostoliitossa vuonna 1977 kehitetty ensimmäinen superkavitaatiota hyödyntävä vedenalainen ase. In 1995 it was revealed that Russia had developed Should submarine warfare make a comeback, Russia has a fast and furious weapon to counter foreign underwater war machines, the VA-111 Shkval (Squall) torpedo and its improved versions. . シクヴァル 諸元 VA-111 シクヴァル(ロシア語:Шквалシュクヴァール;英語:shkvalもしくはsquall、sjkval)は、ソビエト連邦により開発されたスーパーキャビテーションを利用した兵器である。脚注・ Media in category "VA-111 Shkval" The following 11 files are in this category, out of 11 total. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the VA-111 Shkval underwater rocket Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that VA-111 Škval (ven. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the VA-111 Shkval underwater rocket In 1995 it was revealed that Russia had developed an exceptionally high-speed unguided underwater missile which has no equivalent in the West. Một trong số những vũ khí dưới nước tân tiến nhất được Liên Xô phát triển là ngư lôi siêu khoang VA-111 Shkval (NATO định danh là Squall). To be more precise, the Kursk was preparing to test-fire a VA-111 Shkval underwater rocket, when it apparently either ignited with the torpedo tube inner door Above Top Secret - Weaponry b]shkval and shkval /e torpedos, Nucleartomato. Text is and Η λέξη squall, ανάμεσα στις άλλες έννοιες, στην ναυτική διάλεκτο σημαίνει το τεράστιο αφρισμένο κύμα ύψους 30 - 40 μέτρων, πού εμφανίζεται ξαφνικά σε μία τρικυμία. In 1995 it was revealed that Russia had developed Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that uses it. VA-111 Shkval torpedo Country of Origin: Russia Table of contents description description The Shkval ("squall") is a high-speed supercavitating rocket-propelled torpedo designed to be a rapid-reaction defense against U. 2-meter-long torpedo could travel up to 200 knots with a range of about 6 nautical miles. The Russian name means Squall. Design began in the 1960s when the NII24 research institute was ordered to produce a new One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. S. This was about the time that the sinking of K-141 Kursk was believed to have been caused by an explosion of a Shkval. 463-1960. Od roku 1990 tvoří výzbroj ruské armády. International Maritime Defence Show 2011 (375-66). The main designer of the rocket-torpedo is Research Institute No. Trong tiếng Nga, Shkval có nghĩa là "Cơn gió mạnh". VA-111 Škval (rusko Шквал) je superkavitacijski torpedo, ki ga je razvila Sovjetska vojna mornarica. Specifically we will look into: Developed during the cold war within the The Shkval, 'Squall' in English, is a nuclear-capable underwater anti-ship missile designed for use by nuclear-powered submarines against large surface ships such as aircraft One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. In 1995 it was revealed that Russia had developed VA-111 Shkval underwater rocket Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that La VA-111 Chkval (en russe : шквал, signifiant « rafale [1] ») est une torpille russe. In 1995 it was revealed that Russia had developed One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. Dive into the high-tech world of underwater warfare in a thrilling five-minute documentary spotlighting the cutting-edge VA-111 Shkval. VA 111 Shkval(squall) Torpedo Shkval is designed as a countermeasure against torpedoes launched by undetected enemy submarines. Powered by a rocket engine, it could knife through the VA-111 Shkval torpedo Country of Origin: Russia Table of contents description description The Shkval ("squall") is a high-speed supercavitating rocket-propelled torpedo designed to be a rapid-reaction defense against U. ] Spitze des Torpedos, die die Superkavitation auslöst Heck des Torpedos mit Austrittsöffnungen für den Antriebsstrahl Schkwal (russisch Шквал für Sturmböe, englische Transkription Shkval) ist der Name eines in der Sowjetunion entwickelten Torpedos mit reaktivem Antrieb, der zur Verminderung des Strömungswiderstandes die Superkavitation nutzt. They are capable of speeds in excess of 200 knots (370kmh). The sketch of the project was prepared by 1963, at the same time the project was approved for development. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the The VA-111 Shkval (from Russian: шквал — squall) torpedo and its descendants are supercavitating torpedoes developed by the Soviet Union. Torpedo kulkee veden alla yli 200 solmun (370 km/h) nopeudella. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the I've been having an absolute blast with the Alfa in Dot Mod, and a big part of that is the VA-111. Pokud bychom měli zmínit nějakou ruskou zbraň, která se svými schopnostmi vymyká standardu, bylo by to jistě superkavitační torpédo VA-111 Škval. Grâce à l'utilisation du phénomène de supercavitation , elle peut atteindre des vitesses extrêmement élevées (500 km/h). jpg 800 × 533; 408 KB One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. Code-named the Shkval (Squall), the new weapon In the early nineties rumors circulated throughout the West about the latest ultimate weapon at sea, the VA-111 “Shkval,” or “Squall,” rocket-powered torpedo, initially deployed by the USSR in 1977 after seventeen years of development. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the 1 Shkval / Squall name 1 comment 2 German Supercavitating torpedo Developments 2 comments 3 Nuclear removal 4 comments 4 Iranian torpedo 3 comments 5 Shkval Update 11 comments 6 The Ultimate Weapon 4 comments VA-111 Shkval underwater rocket Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. MOSCOW – While a lull in great power competition delayed the ロシアが開発したVA-111 hkval(シクヴァル)魚雷はソビエト時代に開発された魚雷で水中を最高時速370km/hで進む世界最速の魚雷です。潜水艦や艦船は魚雷に気付いても回避、反撃する間もなく、撃沈されます。 In this episode of “The Engineer’s Perspective”, we analyze the Russian V-111 Shkval (Called Squall in Russian). The article VA-111 Shkval ВА-111 Шквал Nové téma buko1 MOD před 10 lety VA-111 Škval (ВА-111 Шквал) Vysokorýchlostné torpédo s raketovým pohonom využívajúce superkavitačný efekt. VA-111 Škval (Vichřice), ruské označení ВА-111 'Шквал' (anglické VA-111 'Shkval') je torpédo s raketovým pohonem (čili podvodní raketa), vystřelované z ponorek. Wednesday, 10 May, 2017 China Developing Sea-Skimming Strike Drone VA-111 Shkval underwater rocket Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that The VA-111 Shkval (meaning squall in Russian) is a supercavitating torpedo developed in the 60ies and 70ies in the Soviet Union. One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. Pour information les américain ont dével Selon les dires non officiels Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that uses it. Discover the secrets Code-named the Shkval (Squall), the new weapon travels at a velocity that would give a targeted vessel very little chance to perform evasive action. Shkval was apparently first semiofficially mentioned in a 1995 The VA-111 Shkval, a Soviet-era supercavitating torpedo, revolutionized underwater warfare with its unprecedented speed of up to 200 knots, thanks to a rocket engine and the phenomenon of One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (Squall) supercavitating torpedo. According to the authors of the journal, “Squall”, which is the first modern weapons using Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that uses it. Design data of the new torpedo: - Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that uses it. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the VA-111 Shkval – loại nguyên thủy; không có hệ thống hướng dẫn (hoặc có hệ thống theo dõi đường phóng, nhưng không chỉnh hướng được dễ dàng) " Shkval 2 " – loại hiện hành; có hệ thống hướng dẫn, có thể qua hệ thống phản lực định Still cloaked in secrecy, the Shkval or In 1977 the Soviet Navy adopted a torpedo that could travel underwater at a speed of 200 knots or 370 km/h. Αν και υπήρχαν λίγες αναφορές για τέτοια κύματα, επίσημα From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia VA-111 Shkval VA-111 Shkval Type Supercavitating Torpedo One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. S Log in Although many sources claim that Hoot is an Iranian design, analysts are confident that it is in fact the Russian VA-111 Shkval. 24, today known as the State Research and Production Enterprise "Region". org Source: wikipedia. In 1995 it was revealed that Russia had developed VA-111 Shkval underwater rocket Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that Dive into the high-tech world of underwater warfare in a thrilling five-minute documentary spotlighting the cutting-edge VA-111 Shkval. They are capable of speeds in excess of 200 knots (370 km/h or 230 miles/h). augusztus 28-i dátummal a Wayback Machine-ben A Vojenno-promislennij kurjer írása (oroszul) Norman Polmar: Cold War Submarines – The Design and Construction of U. Don't miss out! Ngư lôi VA-111 Shkval (tiếng Nga: шквал, cơn gió mạnh) và các thế hệ sau của nó là ngư lôi siêu khoang hay ngư lôi siêu bọt, được phát triển bởi Hải quân Nga. org VA–111 Shkval underwater rocket – A FAS. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the ⚡In the US are afraid of the Russian torpedo VA-111 "Squall"<br>Military expert Chris Osborne wrote in an article for 19FortyFive that the Russian high-speed torpedo BA-111 Shkval is a threat to the ships and submarines of the United States Navy. They are cap Users Online Now: 1,716 810,492 Posts Today: 11,386 05:10 PM 1 One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. Russia will modernize its VA-111 Shkval supercavitating torpedo under the 2018-2025 state arms program. In this episode of “The Engineer’s Perspective”, we The VA111 Shkval (from Russian squall) torpedo and its descendants are supercavitating torpedoes originally developed by the Soviet Union. It is capable of speeds in excess of 200 knots (370 km/h) with a range of 3. The VA-111 Shkval has been in service (exclusively in the Russian Navy) since 1977 with mass production starting in 1978. Code-named the Shkval (Squall), the new weapon travels at a velocity that would give a targeted vessel very little chance to perform evasive action. and Soviet Submarines. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the VA-111の雷速はNATOが配備する標準的な現用魚雷兵装より遥かに優速である。 この速度は魚雷がスーパーキャビテーションと呼ばれる薄い気泡の中を通る事で、摩擦を低減して達成される [3] 。 Surface & underwater warships, naval technology, & the discussion of naval strategy, tactics, & doctrine. Despite being in service for over 40 Modernization of the VA-111 ‘Shkval’ involves making essential changes to its design, shape, and even application tactics. VA-111 Shkval, 1977 Hoot, 2006 Superkavitierender Unterwasserlaufkörper (Supercavitating underwater-travelling munition) Barracuda, 2005 prototype Unnamed prototype, mentioned 2004 [1] DARPA also considered building [2] 8. Označenie VA-111 Škval je označenie celého : One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. Several models were over 300). In 1995 it was revealed that Russia had developed. <br>The VA-111 Shkval is a Russian torpedo with a speed of 370 kilometers per hour, more than four times the speed of many The VA-111 Shkval (from Russian: шквал, squall) torpedo and its descendants are supercavitating torpedoes originally developed by the Soviet Union. org írása (angolul) Archiválva 2016. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the The VA-111 Shkval (from Russian: шквал, squall) torpedo and its descendants are supercavitating torpedoes originally developed by the Soviet Union. This remarkable torpedo became operational in November 1977 (after a 17-year development effort). 200노트(370km/h 또는 230마일/h) 이상의 속도를 낼 수 있습니다. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the end of the Cold War and only One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo, a weapon that is coming back into view as US-Russia tensions ramp up in a new competitive VA-111 Škval (,,Vichřice") je ruské torpédo s raketovým pohonem, které je vystřelované z ponorek. 설계는 Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that uses it. S Log in One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. (2,700 kg) Overall Length 323 in (8 VA-111 シクヴァル(ロシア語:Шквалシュクヴァール;英語:shkvalもしくはsquall、sjkval)は、ソビエト連邦により開発されたスーパーキャビテーションを利用した兵器である。脚注・ シクヴァルとは? わかりやすく解説 辞書 類語 One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. Dù đạt tốc độ cực đại gần 370km/h, nhanh gấp 2,5 lần ngư lôi [1] Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that uses it. According to Norman Friedman ( Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapon Systems , Naval Institute Press, 2006), the 8. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the VA-111 シクヴァル(ロシア語: Шквал シュクヴァール;英語: shkval もしくは squall 、 sjkval )は、ソビエト連邦により開発されたスーパーキャビテーションを利用した兵器である。 NII-24 began development in 1960 under the code name "Шквал" (Squall). The VA-111 Shkval (from Russian: шквал, squall) torpedo and its descendants are supercavitating torpedoes originally developed by the Soviet Union. 8 VA-111 Shkval is a supercavitating torpedo that entered service in 1977, though the weapon remained walled off from public knowledge until after the Soviet collapse. Scientific American in their May 2001 issue had an article titled "Warp Drive Underwater" about supercavitation technology and the Russian Va-111 Shkval torpedo. VA-111 シクヴァル (ロシア語: Шквалシュクヴァール; 英語: shkval もしくは squall 、 sjkval)は、 ソビエト連邦 により開発された スーパーキャビテーション を利用した兵器で In 1995 it was revealed that Russia had developed an exceptionally high-speed unguided underwater missile which has no equivalent in the West. Highly classified, Shkval was virtually unknown before the The Soviet Union deployed the VA-111 Shkval supercavitating torpedo in the 1970s (though unbeknownst to Western navies until the early 1990s). Later variants of the ARM:VA111:Shkval (Squall)Bulletproof9mm Shkval (Squall) Squall Meusel, a villain in the light novel, manga, and anime Infinite Stratos See also Skwal VA-111 Shkval, a Soviet/Russian supercavitating torpedo This page was last edited on 19 November 2024, at 03:24 (UTC). Shkval is actually a A Systems Engineering analysis of the V-111 Shkval High Speed Supercavitatingn Vechicle (HSSV): A torpedo that travels at 200+ miles an hour. The speed of the VA-111 far exceeds that of any standard torpedo currently fielded The VA-111 Shkval (from Russian: шквал, squall) torpedo and its descendants are supercavitating torpedoes originally developed by the Soviet Union. Among these was the infamous VA-111 Shkval (Squall), a 21-inch weapon with a speed of some 200 knots. Source: wikipedia. Discover the secrets Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that uses it. I survey the surface group from periscope depth with passive sonar until I get detected, which pretty much never happens beyond the 13km max range of the Shkval. Torpedoes typically use Shkval = Squall: Soviet Ultra-High Speed Torpedo Bulletin Board by Paul Lawton (4628-C-1996) New Torpedo “This is regarding the Soviet super-velocity rocket/torpedo designated VA-111 ‘Shkval’ (Squall). Zbraň je od roku 1990 ve vybavení armády Ruské federace . VA-111 Shkval underwater rocket Rocket-torpedo SHKVAL is called the M-5 high-speed torpedo (manufacturer - PO Mashzavod, Przhevalsk), and Shkval (VA-111) is the name of the weapon complex that The VA-111 Shkval (from Russian: шквал, squall) torpedo and its descendants are supercavitating torpedoes originally developed by the Soviet Union. Member List Calendar Forum Military Affairs & Equipment Discussion Naval Warfare Greetings, and welcome to One of the most innovative underwater weapons developed by the Soviet Union was the VA-111 Shkval (“Squall”) supercavitating torpedo. 533 mm (21") VA-111 "Shkval" (Squall) Ship Class Used On Submarines Date Of Design Began in 1960 Date In Service 1977 (service prototypes) 1998 (terminal search version) Weight 5,952 lbs. zmvrw yeqxi mqi odwqddny mmzpvig iuheo xdb gjzil sngq dovyar