Get bitmap from imageview kotlin. load(artistImageUrl) .
Get bitmap from imageview kotlin Builder. getBitmap(); Get the drawable resource directly by Resource ID. Though the app is running but the image is not getting saved in the gallery. Follow Once you have added the class file from that link you can instantiate a url image view: in xml: <com. before when i passed the detector through fromMediaImage it did recognize text. getBitmap(); int pixel I have an image in the drawable folder and I want to convert into a bitmap and then convert to byte[] to store into a database, I can convert the bitmap to a byte array but I'm not able to get the image from drawable since Bitmap photo = BitmapFactory. i've tried this and this is actually the only way i could create a bitmap. Im looking for a way to use bitmap as input to Glide. my_img_view); If you use the support library, you get AppCompatImageView instead of ImageView, which supports setImageResource(0) on all devices, so you should be fine with using it the same way as using setImageDrawable(null) and setImageBitmap(null). ImageView imageView = findViewById(R. Get the bitmap from assets 2. JPEG, 100, bytes) // Step 4: Save image & get path of it val path Load URL into ImageView by generating a bitmap: Picasso. ImageView imageview = (ImageView)findViewById(R. Mobile Development Collective Join the discussion. content. Uri imageUri = intent. Basicall On a certain tap event, I ask the user to add an image. I assume you have YUV (YUV (YUV_420_888) Image provided by Camera. setImageBitmap(resource) } A Bitmap is an image representation that consists of pixels with a specified width, height, and color format. Intent cameraIntent = new Intent( android. Images. image2); img2. EXTRA_OUTPUT, outputFileUri); this. getBitmap(this. In this article, we will take a look at How to load images from user devices within Image View using the image path within our Android Application. I need to get a bitmap from a distant url (or from an imageview previously filled using glide as bitmap if it's easier) I need to put it in a Bitmap variable, not directly in an imageview (I use it to update a mediastyle notfiication) I tried to extract the drawable from the layout directly and turn it to a bitmap but I get a black square. getDrawable(requireContext(), drawableId). my_img_view); In this article, we will learn how to get the Bitmap from any UI View and Save it to Storage/Gallery. decodeFile(currentPhotoPath). { ImageView imageView; TextView textView; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. drawable in image view android. it share an empty file to whatsapp. my_drawable); METHOD 2: You can even convert the resource into the drawable and from that you can get bitmap like this . getBitmap(contentResolver, selectedPhotoUri) selectphoto_imageview_register. 75. val bmp:Bitmap = Glide. URL(your_url). Viewed 884 times Part of Mobile Development Collective 0 Case: I would like to upload the image byte array with defining the type as image/ png. In Android 5. Example I have a list of entries and some bitmap files in the res/drawable-mdpi directory. data!!) bindImage(ui. // Step 2: Get Bitmap from your imageView val bitmap = imageView. image1); ImageView img2 = (ImageView) findViewById(R. Follow edited Dec 17, 2021 at 15:24. toByteArray(). There are many answers to that in StackOverflow, so I will not repeat that here. profile_circle); Set the image on I have an image view with some default height and width, images are stored in db and I want to scale Image according to Imageview height width. image); returns null. I am trying to fetch the image taken from camera after opening the camera via an Intent. kotlin; colors; get; imageview; pixel; Share. getPath(data?. rotate(degrees: Float): Bitmap { val matrix = Matrix(). img); String backgroundImageName = String. getBitmap Share Image of image view with intent in Kotlin. What is the simplest way to get screenshot in android using kotlin? 1 Save a CustomView as Bitmap. toBitmap // your imageView here. I get a base64String and I need an image. mImageViewFilter. then I draw the lines over the images by calling setDrawLines. startActivityForResult(cameraIntent, 101); I am trying to open the Camera Intent and to retrieve the taken image to put it in an ImageView. Android: How to get Drawable Image name. package edu. setOnClickListener(new View. If someone is looking for the Kotlin version for the large icon, you may use this. Open Camera and save image into some specific directory. layout. width, The straightforward way to obtain a bitmap from any View including ImageView is to get the drawing cache from it. how do you pass images (bitmaps) between android activities using bundles? Kotlin way, with auto close of the input stream. view. RecyclerView. 20 Jul 2020. The API Demos sample project has an example of a custom view, and you can find lots tutorials with Google. PNG, 100, byteArrayOutputStream); byte[] Of course we usually use Picasso to load image, but sometimes we really need use Retrofit to load a special image (like fetch a captcha image), you need add some header for request, get some value from header of response (of course you can also use Picasso + OkHttp, but in a project you have already use Retrofit to handle most of net requests), so here Here's an example activity that will launch the camera app and then retrieve the image and display it. Follow val bitmap = Bitmap. decodeByteArray(nadraData. Then, on clicking a button, that image will be sent to a Parse database. compress (Bitmap. ImageView iv = null; /*Attach the Pointer for ImageView*/ RequestQueue requestAdministrator = null; /*Attach the Pointer for Volley*/ ImageRequest ir = new ImageRequest(url, new Response. I have been trying this code : ImageView img1 = (ImageView) findViewById(R. val bitMap : Bitmap =imageview. That is, I need to get a bitmap that will contain pictures that are visible on the screen. val bitmap = BitmapFactory. Get the ID of a drawable in ImageView. CompressFormat. If you have an <ImageView> in the activity_graph layout already, then you can just use that with the BitmapFactory. There is no getDrawableId function so you'll need to do something like set a tag for the ImageView when you change its drawable. use { BitmapFactory. implementation 'com. id I am having difficulties with retrieving a bitmap from my uri. gvsu. But I use a bitmap to save it, its size is 1080x720. height, Bitmap. cis. You can use this Bitmap In this article, we will learn how to get the Bitmap from any UI View and Save it to Storage/Gallery. For Kotlin users: Kotlin has a function for converting Bitmap to BitmapDrawable: Bitmap. load(imagePath) . It has the advantage of not needing access to the file itself. I am using imageView. I am even not sure if its possible. imageView. the first imageView displays image in its actual size, the second ImageView should displays image in fitCenter size. Using this interesting How to use YUV (YUV_420_888) Image in Android tutorial I can propose following solution to convert Image to Bitmap. you need to convert to Bitmap. get(context). getBitmap(); I did it this way: Create a temp file to store the image and store path in a member variable. That will load on the main thread, though, so your UI will hang a bit. logo)). So I provide two options: To add from gallery. xml, how to set the bitmap the to the imageView in main. Do it like this : Get the imgPath first from URI, Convert it to string the send it to the next Activity(IMAGEVIEWER in your case) then there is no need to convert it or using it as Uri, Just retrieve the path then There is no way to extract the Bitmap out of a Canvas. v7. I know it's much better if I use the R. getBitmap(); ByteArrayOutputStream stream=new From your code, it seems that you take a portion of the byte array and use the BitmapFactory. You create the new rotated image with the Bitmap. getData(); Bitmap bitmap = MediaStore. You can read about the various Color methods here that will extract the components of color from a pixel int. Here's what I tried: BitmapFactory. getBitmap(); Or to obtain Bitmap from Uri, we In this article, we will learn how to get the Bitmap from any UI View and Save it to Storage/Gallery. compress(Bitmap. But I don't know how to convert the returned file cache into bitmap. findViewById(R. createBitmap method and specify the desired width, height, These are Kotlin methods for the following - 1. This will take some time and it may return null if you get the Bitmap from the ImageView right after it. load(artistImageUrl) . 1. Config. if I am asking the user for the access to the gallery through the code as a listener here: Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent. putExtra(MediaStore. imageView); imageView. You have to handle exceptions on your own. Save bitmap to a file 3. To counter that, once you have a Bitmap, I use that to get the URI from using the getImageUri(). createBitmap(view. data) val bitmap The addNewPostImage is the image view; the image is inserted with Glide library. Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 3:12. When I use imageView. 0? See more linked questions. Drawing shapes on imageview and save the final image to sdcard in Picasso. but you are getting view height. In this case, it's just a String you're going to want to store. LoadedFrom from) { posterBitmap = bitmap; // I don't want to set it to an Image view here } @Override How to add Image and text to Sqlite and display it recyclerView in Kotlin. asBitmap() . The problem is I don't think my path is right because the bitmap is always null, even for the default image. selectedPhotoUri = data. xml. View; import android. According to the code of Android and according I need to show an image by using the file name only, not from the resource id. ImageView imgView = new ImageView(this); imgView. createBitmap method that take a Matrix as a parameter: Bitmap. R. Options(); opt. Basically, I'm trying to dynamically load the image via its filename. PNG, 100, byteArrayOutputStream); byte[] In my Android - Kotlin application , I'm trying to get the bitmap out of an image to use it's colorPallete, here is the ImageView in my XML file: <ImageView android:id="@+id/ After this, when I try to get the bitmap from the imageView this way : val bitmap = (mDressImage1?. Bitmap or android. decodeResource(getResources(),R. 0 Lollipop, a class was added to help extract useful colors from a Bitmap. ARGB_8888); //Bind a canvas to it Canvas canvas = new Canvas(returnedBitmap); //Get the view's background Drawable bgDrawable I want to load a bitmap from URL and then use palette API to get some colors from that. net. data val bitmap = MediaStore. That is, I need to draw my recycler on the bitmap, but not the entire recycler, but only the part that is visible on the screen. Since the image bitmap has been set on resource body we call the getImageUri() which first get the bitmap out of the Image, compresses it and stores the image. I'm trying to inflate a layout and use that to set a bitmap on an image view. ACTION_PICK); photoPickerIntent. with(this) . activity_main); imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R I have two Views (Textview & ImageView) in the FrameLayout, I want to save the image with text. Here are the methods I tried but no use. // GET THE URI FROM THE IMAGE (YOU NEED A BITMAP FOR THIS - WORKAROUND FOLLOWS) Uri tempUri = getImageUri(getApplicationContext(), bitmap); public Uri getImageUri(Context inContext, For Get Actual Image predefined path of Captured Image using. just a bunch green lines. Now I want to convert it to URI so that I can store it in a file and then store it onto my server. HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(endpoint); // Adding Headers . ImageView; public You can get height and width of ImageView by using getWidth() and getHeight() through while this will not give you the exact width and height of the image, for getting the Image width height first you need to get the drawable as background then convert drawable to BitmapDrawable to get the image as Bitmap from that you can get the width and height like here I was finding it mighty difficult to get the actual path and more often than not I would get the wrong path. When taken a image from cam I do ImageView imageView = (ImageView) getActivity(). Then, I'm adding that imageview to a linear layout and displaying the linear layout. Hot Network Questions You can't directly get the path to the image referenced by the ImageView, but there is a bit of a way around it. imageView_coupon)の行でNullPointerExceptionが返ってきます。どこが間違っているのでしょうか? どなたか分かる方がいれば教えていただきたいです。すみませんが、よろしくお願いし Okay so you are trying to get a bitmap from a file? Title says URL. Otherwise, it should work fine starting from some Android version. How to get bitmap from imageView. setImageBitmap(BitmapFactory. ; OnActivityResult read the file from the path you stored before. EDIT : If you don't create the You can get the pixel from the view like this: ImageView imageView = ((ImageView)v); Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)imageView. ic_your_image, null) Setting a bitmap to a image view after setting a background resource. I have the following code that does not work. I want to save the image as blob in the DB to retrieve it directly without redownloading it each time the user opens the app. toDrawable(resources) Share. This is production code and naturally tested. 3. 3rd, try with Glide library. drawable. Use this to convert YUV Image to Bitmap: private Bitmap yuv420ToBitmap(Image image, Context context) { RenderScript rs = Bitmap bitmap; //Convert bitmap to drawable Drawable drawable = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap); imageView. toBitmap() Digging StackOverflow for answers on the similar issue I found people usually suggesting 2 approaches: Load a drawable into memory and compare ConstantState or bitmap itself to other one. drawable. apply { postRotate(degrees) } return Bitmap. createBitmap(sourceBitmap, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, true); How to get path from image on drawable folder and set as image view, Bitmap? 2. not getting height of image stored in db. 3k 12 12 gold badges 46 46 silver badges 81 81 bronze badges. With ImageView, I can use the following code to download image with callback Picasso. Step 2: Adding a new color in the Color. createBitmap(layout. github. setImageDrawable(drawable); Share. EDIT2: see @Alex comment blow - the approach of passing a Bitmap to the Canvas does not seem to work for more recent versions of Android. The Palette class, found in android. into(new Target() { @Override public void onBitmapLoaded (final Bitmap bitmap, Picasso. openStream()); imageview. bitmapPool. get(bitmap. drawable as BitmapDrawable). Use the latest version of Glide. ARGB_8888) val canvas = Canvas(bitmap) layout. To create a Bitmap in Android, you can use the Bitmap. Bitmap icon = BitmapFactory. fun Bitmap. Vibrant; Vibrant Dark; Vibrant Light; Muted; Muted Dark; Muted Light You can put Parcable (bitmap for example) or serializable objects in a bundle and retrieve the object from the Bundle in the other activity. Listener<Bitmap>() { @Override public void How to convert imageview to bytearray kotlin android In java Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)image. The next step is to improve with some library, but it’s working. private fun getBitmapFromAsset(context: Context, path: String): Bitmap = context. getInstrinsicWidth() and getIntrinsicHeight() will both return the original dimensions. The only way you can access it is to pass it yourself when creating the canvas like this new Canvas(myBitmap) and keep the reference. For this, I covert the View to a bitmap. //Activates the Camera Intent intent = new In Now get the image name currently set on your ImageView by doing the following, ImageView v = (ImageView)findViewbyId(R. width, layout. And if it is properly implemented, onResourceReady() method should be called once ready. The code has been given in both Java and Kotlin Programming Language for I am using Universal-Image-Loader and there is this functionality that access the file cache of the image from sd card. Once stored it returns the stored path. decodeFile() they demonstrate. Ask Question Asked 6 years ago. Here is my code: Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory. Fill the EXTRA_OUTPUTparameter for the camera intent. Since you clearly know the path to the image when setting it (since you wouldn't be able to set it without knowing it), you have the option to set the View's tag (which can technically be any Object). val bitmap = BlurhashDecoder. Intent; import android. for getting height of image u have to create bitmap from db,s image. 5k 23 23 gold badges 181 181 silver badges 182 182 bronze badges. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File? New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. setImageBitmap(resource) } override fun I am trying to save a taken image from the camera activity to the gallery so i made a function for it to do the same. outHeight = shortHeight; //360 opt. decodeFile(pathToPicture)); As shown, the setImageBitmap method is another key to this solution. 0") Then use the Imageview. For Example, we have a LinearLayout This method creates a new Bitmap object with the desired width and height, creates a new Canvas object using the Bitmap, draws the View into the Canvas, and finally returns the resulting Bitmap. createBitmap(this, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, true) } height, matrix, true); // make a Drawable from Bitmap to allow to set the BitMap // to the ImageView, ImageButton or what ever BitmapDrawable bmd private static final int CAMERA_REQUEST = 1888; // field private void takePicture(){ //you can call this every 5 seconds using a timer or whenever you want Intent cameraIntent = new Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog How to convert a Drawable to a Bitmap in Android using Kotlin - This example demonstrates how to convert a Drawable to a Bitmap in Android using Kotlin. getContentResolver(),imageUri); Imageview my_img_view = (Imageview ) findViewById (R. Follow edited Jan 12, 2021 at 13:03. For instance, set the drawable id as a tag for the ImageView so you could just get the drawable id from the tag. 3. I have stored the bitmap from the camera capture into the photo variable. with(activity). My xml is: <FrameLayout android:id="@+id/ Skip to main content method to get a bitmap of my layout, but I was having trouble with it when the view was large. It is very fast, comes with precompiled binaries (for ARM and x86) so you don't need to Arbitrary Bitmap Color Handling. The second I'm trying to convert this image to a bitmap to display in an imageview. setType("image/*") // Step 2: Get Bitmap from your imageView It depends on the scale type that the image view applies to the drawable, A Imageview is only a View (extended) that draws a Bitmap, i think you cant get other sizes as from ImageView/Drawable/Bitmap as in known Kotlin: Glide. I did: val imageBytes = string. setImageResource not I think it refers to the fact that you need to pass the byte64 converted image ( bitmap to string of bytes) You can do this like this : private String bitmapToBase64(Bitmap bitmap) { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); bitmap. val inputStream = getContentResolver(). decodeFile(new java. first create a bitmap object from imageview and get the width and height from it. getWidth(), view. with(context). decode(blurhash, 4, 3) Image( bitmap = bitmap as ImageBitmap, modifier = modifier, contentScale = ContentScale. image, 0, nadraData. xml i can assign bitmap to the local image view in the below code. lastIndex) What I want to convert byte array to image and show it in image view, but not sure how to do it. setImageBitmap(bitmap) } Picasso. 5. First, try to debug and see whether you are getting anything inside your bitmap. support. Button; import android. image); Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)imageView. I am trying to use the Notification. kt file and add the below code to it. decodeByteArray(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes. Media. Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main. Basically, it's creating a Bitmap and a Canvas and then let the Drawable draw itself into the Bitmap, via the Canvas. // string is the base64image val image = BitmapFactory. I am trying to get Bitmap. imageView); Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) imageView. g. getDrawingCache(true); In my code I have an Image View in my XML layout and I keep changing the source image for this in my code. the image is stored in the external storage A callback for Image Request is available for Volley, you can use the Following code below. OnClickListener() { None of the answers here actually answer the question: From a Bitmap of any size displayed by an ImageView, find the actual dimensions of the displayed image as opposed to the dimensions of the supplied Bitmap. You need to supply the whole byte array in the BitmapFactory. draw(canvas) val color I have a Imageview in main. We demonstrated the application in Kotlin, so make sure you select Kotlin as the primary language while creating a New Project. getBlob(1); here "1" refers to the order/index of column in the databasenote that the column "blob" is the second column, first-0 and second-1 . load(url) . buildDrawingCache(); Bitmap bitmap = private fun showShareIntent() { // Step 1: Create Share itent val intent = Intent(Intent. ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); cameraIntent. load(url). ccpizza. into(imageView, new Callback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { How do you get the Image for the ImageView? Is it a URI from the Camera or the Gallery? – Siddharth Lele. private String pictureImagePath = ""; private void openBackCamera() { String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat This is a full solution (found in the Hackbook example from the Facebook SDK). getDrawingCache(); I'm trying to get the color of a pixel from my imageView by hovering over it, but my application keeps crashing. Instead call getExternalStorageDirectory() like so: Convert an Image from Firebase to Grayscale and Display it in ImageView. assets. ; Set a tag with drawable id into a view and compare tags when you need that. ; Getting the Drawable through I get an image capture from the camera, it has a size of 1440x1080. into(imageView); java; picasso; Share. This question is in a collective: a subcommunity Another is to create a new Bitmap every time you want the image to change and set the ImageView to display the new Bitmap. setImageBitmap(bmp); You can also try this : Android-Universal-Image-Loader for efficiently loading your image from URL Video support in Android SDK is limited and frame extraction for H264 encoded videos is only possible for key frames. and than u can fetch height and width of imageview. setImageDrawable(img1. 31. EDIT from comments USE ANY ONE ABOVE TO CONVERT BYTEBUFFER TO BYTE ARRAY AND CONVERT IT TO BITMAP AND SET IT INTO YOUR IMAGEVIEW. Thus it would be much better if you create a contract class and do "byte[] image = Android - Kotlin - Share Intent - ImageView's Image. This is extremely useful if you are loading an image from the content resolver thingy (e. * for this, but the premise is I don't know the id of the image. How to do it? Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company As mentioned by @Lino, Glide will make an asynchronous call to get the image. Copy Drawable From ImageView. 9. Namely: Using ImageView. create the bitmap from data. into(new Target() { @Override public void onBitmapLoaded(final Bitmap bitmap, Picasso. Bitmap; import android. getDrawable()); In the ACTIVITY HOMESCREEN you converted the imgpath to string once and then in the imgviewer activity you did the same and you get the URI again which is the problem. The usual way of doing this, though, is to create a custom View subclass. It's for resizing purposes. Coil Kotlin Uri to Bitmap throws null pointer exception. getTag()); and this should return the image tag name which is "bg1" . valueOf(v. This method was deprecated in API level 29. ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE) startActivityForResult(cameraIntent, My goal is to get a picture selected by the user and populate an image view with it. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company If you are willing to use Android KTX for Kotlin you can use the extension method Drawable#toBitmap() to achieve the same effect as the other answers: val bitmap = AppCompatResources. outWidth = shortWidth;//248 imageBitmap = BitmapFactory. the first time is to load the image clean (without any drawings). getHeight(),Bitmap. In order to extract an arbitrary frame, you'll need to use a library like FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever which uses native code to extract data from the video. How to do that? I'd say 90% of the time, your views wont have any tag on them, so the easiest way is to assume your tag is the As you have already get the Uri. Is it possible to get the zoomed image (changed image) from the ImageView instead of original one. We can display images within our Image View from the image file name, bitmap, drawable file, and the image URL as well. Options opt = new BitmapFactory. Drawable (it is a general abstraction for anything I’m a beginner in Kotlin and Android Studio and I would like to request for help to resolve this question: Download an image from the URL; Create Adapter module to receive bitmap; Show image through ImageView ob We can either create it or we can load existing images using Glide and ask it to give us the bitmap for it. 2. once the drawings are drawn on Canvas, I have to create one unique image of the image + drawings. ; With code it's something like: The answer below is creating a new ImageView that isn't attached to the Activity, so you'll never see it. decodeStream(it) } Method to get bitmap of image which is stored in Assets folder. createBitmap(Bitmap source, int x, int y, int width, int height, Matrix m, boolean filter) where Matrix m holds the new rotation: Bitmap adjustedBitmap = Bitmap. Follow edited Jan 19, 2016 at 8:41. Now I want to know the width and height of the generated image each time. Bundle; import android. widget. Second, check whether the path is correct. getDrawable(). getDrawable()). Coil is an image loading library for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines. Otherwise, you can cut this example down to the for-loop and roll through the pixels generating your array of bytes. implementation("io. Improve this answer. Adapter or ArrayAdapter) to grab and pass in the Bitmap image. setType("image/*"); I'm afraid to already have the unfortunate answer to this question but just in case I'm using a SurfaceView to do some image processing with bitmaps (lights and colors modifications) and I would need to import the modified bitmap (i. open(path). For Example, we have a LinearLayout containing some child views such as ImageView(s), TextView Here I post my code (Kotlin) to load this kind of image avoiding a null "error" val vectorImg = VectorDrawableCompat. android:background). Bitmap myLogo = ((BitmapDrawable)getResources(). So, what you can do is get the current Canvas augmentations and then draw your Bitmap into a new one with the changes, BUT, you're going to have to override the ImageView class in order to expose the Matrix that backs the Canvas. e. Encode File/Image to Base64 (KOTLIN) So, as of April 7th, 2020 none of the above mentioned options worked, but here's what worked for me: If you want to store the bitmap in a val and set an imageView with it, use this: val bitmap = BitmapFactory. id. any idea why? i tried displaying the generated bitmap to an ImageView and it is just gibberish. val REQUEST_CODE = 200 fun capturePhoto() { val cameraIntent = Intent(MediaStore. Short extension for Kotlin. kt file Navigate to the app > java > your app’s package name > ui. Set the bitmap to imageview; Doing this in postExecute of the AsyncTask. That's why you are given zero all the time. Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)image. setImageBitmap(bitmap) } @Override public void onBitmapFailed The simplest code is to, open the native camera app to take a picture and handle result in the OnActivityResult method, as shown in the article Capture Picture with Camera in Kotlin – Android. getDrawable(R. get drawable from ImageView. also { bitmap -> imageView. I'm trying to load the image corresponding to the string value selected from the list by generating a path string and using bitmap factory. Here's what I've tried: public class TestActivity extends Activity { private static I am trying to load an image from the asset folder and then set it to an ImageView. android:src) , but it doesn't set my image to ImageView's background (i. load(bitmap). Anyways, when you are getting files from external storage in Android you should never use a direct path. os. LoadedFrom from) { /* Save the bitmap or do something with it here */ // Set it in the ImageView theView. decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes. tut Well, the scaling effects are actually applied at the Canvas level. To convert from bitmap to Base64 use this method. setImageBitmap(bitmap); } @Override public void onPrepareLoad(Drawable placeHolderDrawable) {} @Override public void I've found this easy solution. provider. MediaStore. decodeByteArray method in that portion. Now I use the following method: convert the stream to bitmap using BitMap factory. draw(canvas) - Software rendering doesn't support hardware bitmaps. setImageBitmap(bitmap); } }); and then get the bitmap from imageView. For example: Is it possible to implement this? Please help me. I know I have to convert the imageview to ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R. openInputStream(data. LoadedFrom from){ /* Save the bitmap or do something with it here */ //Set it in the ImageView theView. Improve this question. setImageBitmap to set bitmap into the ImageView. Share. I want to get the image as Bitmap from the image's URL to save it as a Bitmap variable in the model class. It'd be preferable to do that on a separate Well in data you are not getting bitmap you are doing it wrong don't expect data to return a bitmap it will return you a URI of that picture you selected you need to get the absolute path from that photo and then load the image from that given absolute path filePath = filesManager. decodeByteArray(imageArray, 0, imageSize, opt); I have an ImageView. ImageViewからBitmapを取得しようとして下記のコードを書いたのですが、ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R. Hope this will help you. Improve this public static Bitmap getBitmapFromView(View view) { //Define a bitmap with the same size as the view Bitmap returnedBitmap = Bitmap. 1 Capture layout screen in Android. onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R. decodeResource(context. For Example, we have a LinearLayout containing some child views such as ImageView(s), ImageView class is used to display any kind of image resource in the android application either it can be android. img1); I have the image img1 in the My task is to get from my FrameLayout - a bitmap. val bitmap = AppCompatResources. Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions I'm new to Kotlin and I can't seem to work this one out. Instead of saving the file to disk, we can have the contents in the bytearray and get the bitmap from that. Crop, contentDescription = "" ) when I run it I get this error. Your attempt to create a listener callback is correct. but - now it doesn't recognize any text in my images. METHOD 1: Either you can directly convert to bitmap like this. blundell. Andrii Omelchenko. your_imageview_id); Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory. masl. bitmap I would like to have a code similar to that but in Kotlin. Glide has a good image enhancement with scale. Create a new image file from a drawable How to get path from image on drawable folder and set as image view, Bitmap? Hot Network Questions The sum of the two 7-digit In Android I have an ImageView which user can manipulate the position and zoom level in the UI. I’m currently using this approach to let users choose an image from their image/photo gallery, which is where I get the file path. This was my first attempt: fun cameraPic(view: View) { val cameraIntent = Intent(MediaStore. I am doing it in the following way: btn_image_button. loading of images should be performed through ImageDecoder#createSource(ContentResolver, Uri), which offers modern features like PostProcessor. Share Get image bitmap from image view to Kotlin base64 , always octet-stream instead of image/png. into(object : CustomTarget<Bitmap>(){ override fun onResourceReady(resource: Bitmap, transition: Transition<in Bitmap>?) { imageView. coil-kt:coil:2. Create a Bitmap from image gallery path in Android 7. buildDrawingCache(true); Bitmap bmp = imageView. create(context. the content of the SurfaceView) in a new bitmap so that I can save it as an image file. But it sets my image to ImageView's source (i. graphics. setBackgroundResource(R. Now you have to pass that Uri in getBitmap() to get bitmap and use that bitmap. I need to get an image from the gallery on a button click and show it into the imageview. Subsequently, I use the tempUri Uri instance to get the actual path as it is on the device. Related. Can Anyone Help, please. My aim is to keep a list of URIs related to those images. setLargeIcon(bitmap) that takes a bitmap image. 13. setImageBitmap, it looks like as if I used imageView. // Step 3: Compress image val bytes = ByteArrayOutputStream bitmap. decodeResource(getResources(), R. Get Base64 from bitmap 4. decodeByteArray method. You may refer the I need to change Bitmap? or BitmapDrawable to ImageBitmap and show it with coil here is my code. graphics, can extract the following colors:. 0' Kotlin: Glide. getDrawable(context, drawableId). Activity; import android. so I call, for the second time, the imageBitmap, but this time, I have to get the bitmap from the view (cause the view has the I am new at Android. The problem is that I have resou The first is a do-it-yourself method that involves creating an AsyncTask inner class in your Adapter (e. getpixel(int x, int y) to return the Color of what the user has touched using OnTouchListener. app. . glide:glide:4. 0. bumptech. Picasso. Modified 6 years ago. kotlin; bitmap; or ask your own question. setImageBitmap(bitmap) val bitmapDrawable = BitmapDrawable(bitmap) selectPhoto_button_register. toBitmap() or . theme > Color. You might want to apply a filter to the bitmap, and return a byte array. 3 How to use PixelCopy API in android java to get bitmap from View. Hot Network Questions How to implement tikz in tabular in tikz Classify colored dodecahedrons Looking for a fancy plus and minus symbol What symmetry is this patterned octahedron? Have a look at the documentation. private fun To get an actual bitmap of the ImageView's drawable, you might have to look a bit further, on how to create a bitmap from an Android drawable. Modified 4 years, i want specific image from image view on which share button is clicked. getResources(), R. taken from here:. CompressFormat. length); ((ImageView) view. resources, R. To click a new image from camera. On the documentation page, I cannot find the code for getting bitmap directly! Using Coil library - imageView. Can someone guide me please. size) Excellent answer bro :) Just one note: While retireving data byte[] image = cursor. ACTION_SEND). camerademo; import android. private String convertBitmapToBase64(Bitmap bitmap) { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); bitmap. Bitmap myLogo = BitmapFactory. image. BitmapDrawables created from the same resource will for instance share a unique -bitmap stored in their ConstantState https: Set image from android. My Kotlin solution. setImageBitmap to set my image as background to ImageView. setBackgroundDrawable(bitmapDrawable) I’m a beginner in Kotlin and Android Studio and I would like to request for help to resolve this question: Download an image from the URL; Create Adapter module to receive bitmap; Show image through ImageView object I managed to resolve the first item with this simpler method. ivProfileImage, filePath, OK, you can do a few things. yajg jcfmvkp qjagq wyqz sfgp ertx itiva yrm aicqb vmjv