Moon conjunct ic synastry lindaland. 0 moon opposite mercury in synastry .
Moon conjunct ic synastry lindaland I have the nn conjunct mc with my husband and it's exact in Pisces! I am still figuring it out but I know it has felt familiar from the start (also as in family), related, karmic etc. the natives could be involved in business related to real estate,farming,food,and products and serves used in I have Mars conjunct South Node with someone. IP: Logged Author: Topic: Saturn conjunct Saturn in synastry: GirlMercury Knowflake . it's our closest aspect. Comprehensive PDF readings, spanning 100 to 300+ pages for birth charts, relationship analyses, and forecasts. So maybe all of these is why the connection was so deep. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Synastry MARS conjunct IC next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Synastry MARS conjunct IC: H20AC Knowflake . If you had Moon conjunct Moon & your Moon conjuncts Saturn then obviously you didn’t just have Moon conjunct Moon . 0 Moon conjunct ascendant synastry Author: Topic: Moon conjunct ascendant synastry: Chiemi Moderator . The IC is potent with natal Mars conjunct, so whenever it is activated a primal sexuality is revealed. But actually, I wouldn't call it going 'crazy. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Moon conjunct Mars synastry (Page 1) Topic: Moon conjunct Mars synastry: SunAscendant Knowflake . Ami Anne Moderator . If someone’s moon is conjunct your IC, you’re going to relate to that person. I think we are close with each other. Depending on aspects to the Moon, this can be blissful, or it can quickly turn problematic as Hi there ^_^ my bf's Pisces Moon doesn't conjunct my Pisces DC, but it sits on my 7th house. When people have good Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Search blogs. The Pluto-IC conjunction is part of a kite formation. Mostly because it just doesn't feel right unless it's done privately (or around very few, 'safe Can anyone weigh in on what they see in our synastry? We have quite a bit of heavy placements due to my mutable grand cross. This profound emotional resonance not only enhances the relationship's depth but also fosters a safe space for both individuals to grow and flourish Crazy. and he makes me feel more and more like that lol. We influence each others life's obviously. M. You probably will feel an emotional connection. Discover how Moon Conjunct Midheaven in Synastry can create a strong emotional bond that intertwines the professional and domestic aspects of the relationship. I guess that in relationships I tend to be like a Pisces (as it is my DC - AC is about how we are to ourselves, while DC is about how we are to others), no matter how Aries (I have Aries stellium) I am. I With IC conjunct Moon, partners may be emotionally enmeshed- meaning they rely on each other for their emotional needs. Posts: 1187 From: Registered: Jun 2013: Kaali on 29 Cancer conjunct Moon, Amor and Jupitr! JEEZ. Posts: 265 From: CA, USA In synastry charts, Moon conjunct Moon serves as a foundation for emotional connections, allowing individuals to be vulnerable, share their deepest feelings, and create a nurturing and supportive bond. Posts: 164 From: Chicago, USA Registered: May 2011: posted June 22, 2011 06:55 PM In synastry moon square mars, and moon opposite mars. AstroAJ Knowflake . Their bonding point may be a similar upbringing, sense of familiarity, or mutual interests in the matters of home, Remember the moon represents familywhat’s familiar to you. ^_^; Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. what would Dejanira conjunct IC mean ? IP: Logged. Can anyone elaborate on the interp of Karma conjunct Moon-Pluto in the 2nd house in synastry?-----Virgo Asc 6˚& Mars 0˚ Gemini Sun 24˚ Libra Moon 14˚(conjunct Pluto 0˚ in 2nd house) Gemini Mercury 25˚ Cancer Venus 29˚ (Mutual reception with Moon) And yes, i'm a guy! IP: Logged. IP: Logged. Jupiter right on IC in scorp too here so enough watery when the DC and IC conjunct, thats going to be like Moon-Venus energies conjunct? thats nice to know, that IC/DC was often found in lasting relationships . Sometimes, I will fudge it and allow three, but it is a fudge. Select the "Relationship reports" box in the Reports page to know the synastry aspects between any person in your birth data list. D. The MOON/SATURN are quite enduring, once you can find the right balance of security versus independence; nurturing versus protection / sufficiency. In synastry, the Sun/Moon midpoint is very often activated by the other person's personal planet in significant relationships. Moon conjunct the IC. The moon is one deepest heart. His Ceres is next to his Pluto on my IC too, but not 1° like his Pluto. your Saturn was also conjunct his Moon. This placement often Our synastry and our composite were both really good, my moon is in his 7th and his in my 3th house, the issue with us is that my moon conjunct saturn natally while his opposes mercury, Now if someone's MOON is exactly conjunct their IC in the 4th House does that mean that they are secretive about their deepest feelings regarding their home matters? The sign is Libra. We become one (for a while). 0 Moon- Mars in synastry : one of the best aspects (Page 1) profile | register | preferences | faq: This topic has been transferred to this forum: Interpersonal Astrology. Learn how this aspect influences career choices, emotional security, and balance I read that this is like a Moon connection. Moon conjunct IC and South Node points to a deep connection, Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Ceridwen Knowflake . ' It's more like going 'home. Lindaland Astrology 2. I'm curious what's the difference between the two? I have had 4 significant connections (only one romantic) with this overlay, where their Scorpio Moon was conjunct my IC and/or in my 4th. Dive deep into the intricacies Like I just looked up my synastry with my bf and his BML is conjunct his Sun in Taurus - does he possess the dark feminine? I don't think so. Posts: 130 From: Asia He has Pluto in 3rd house conjunct Moon/NN/IC, square Mars/Jupiter/Asc while I have Pluto in 5th Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Moon and other planets conjunct IC in synastry - who feels it more or what are the differences between feelings of moon and IC person? Moon conjunct IC is akin to Moon conjunct Moon. And my BML is widely conjunct his DESC in the 7th H. Keep reading to learn more about the Moon conjunct ascendant synastry and natal aspects in astrology! Moon Conjunct Ascendant Synastry Meaning Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 60182 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010: posted August 26, 2013 07:50 PM In the birth chart, the Moon conjunct the ascendant suggests a person who is emotional, wears their heart on their sleeves, and has a feminine aura, no matter they actual gender. 0 Mars conjunct ic synastry From: United States Registered: Apr 2012: posted January 03, 2014 02:21 AM How have you experienced mars conjunct ic in synastry? My dad's mars is on my ic and I think this aspect is very challenging but I am wondering if there is some "Among other things, Pallas with the Moon can represent the martial artist, or someone who has turned the body (Moon) into a weapon (Pallas, here as the enabler of combat). Moon conjunct the DSC. More than conjunct ASCENDANT, JUNO is conjunct TRUE NODE, making you loving Soul Mates for sure [though not Twin Flames]. Posts: 923 From: Registered: Aug 2018: posted March 21, 2019 08:22 AM Moon and other planets conjunct IC in synastry - who feels it more or what are the differences between feelings of moon and IC person? IP: Logged. Fire_girl Newflake . Most Moon/IC people I've met (myself included) prefer to be very private when expressing emotion. My moon is conjunct my boyfriend’s south node. )! Registered: Apr 2009: posted May 23, 2024 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Moon conjunct Nessus In the synastry, Pluto is his 2nd HR and rules his Juno and Neptune. synonymphony Newflake . They are in your life to help you grow and nurture along the way. jjj Lindaland Soul Unions 4th house overlays in synastry :) So at the and your sun conjunct his IC is almost like sun - moon synastry aspect. November 9, 2012 February 26, 2023 astrologyanonymous27 2 Comments. his Pluto. - Moon (13TAU) conjunct NN (15TAU) in 4th - IC is (9TAU) so almost conjunct the Moon/NN - Vx in 7th We had a extremely deep subconscious connection, but our chart was all angle connections. Posts: 210 From: Gehinnom Registered: Aug 2015: B's Pholus conjunct A's Moon (2 degrees) IP: Logged. Moon conjunct MC. Where one person’s Moon falls in another person’s chart shows where the Moon person brings their emotional energies in the Chart Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 13. Topic: Ceres in Synastry: lisalisa Knowflake . This topic is 2 pages long: 1 2 : next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon- Mars in synastry : one of the best This is what I found online: In synastry, Lilith brings an untamed, wild sexual energy, feelings of obsession, and intense, transformative interactions. Posts: 142 From: Registered: Aug 2019: posted September 16, 2020 03:45 PM I’ve had it with some people. Lioness Knowflake . 11. So we are continuing the same Saturn/Moon/ IC theme. The Moon person may have his status in life elevated by the MC person. It was definitely felt by both of us. Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. . Posts: 6771 From: Registered: Jul 2011: posted June 10, 2013 09:43 AM I agree, 4th is ultra deep. Posts: 736 From: Registered: Sep 2018: posted June 05, 2019 02:25 AM If you've ever experienced this, have you been the Moon or ASC? My Moon and ASC are both in the same sign in Gemini. that's shown by other aspects to the Moon and the synastry overall. Posted in; Astrology; Conjunctions; Moon-Mars Aspects: The Ultimate Sagittarius Zodiac Saturn Scorpio Moon Scorpio Rising Scorpio Zodiac Self-Discovery Signs Social Life Spirituality Squares Sun Synastry Astrology Taurus Moon Taurus Rising Taurus Zodiac Transits Travel Uranus Vastu Vedic Astrology I have this in a composite, Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aries and its on the comp MC, and its wonderful. And Saturn also trines Sun and Mercury. I have Moon in Scorp opp Mars in Taurus natally so the conjunction or soft aspects are quite hot. Posts: 326 From: Registered: Apr 2015: Btwn Neptune and the Moon Registered: Aug 2015: posted August my on/off bf of 3 years and I have this exact conjunct. Can anybody share their insights please? IP: Logged. Posts: 2399 From: Registered: May 2009 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Whereas most people seek to find themselves through ‘other’, the anti-Vertex people have a tendency to be their own ‘other The Moon opposite the MC (10th house cusp) is also the same as the Moon conjunct the IC (4th house cusp). We were involved for about five years. com) in synastry--hurts so good profile | register | preferences | faq: next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon-Mars in synastry--hurts so good: polysigh Knowflake . LeeLoo2014 Moderator . And his Moon (Conjunct IC) conjuncts My Venus is on my brothers IC too. Posts: 195248 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J. Unmoved, i looked into that topic, i noticed how you analyzed how, MC conjunct IC would be like opposing energies, and IC conjunct DC would be like square energies. Posts: 22 From: New York, NY, USA Registered: Sep 2018 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. I can identify with a lot with what that article said from my time courting him. Compare to my other siblings. Posts: 1815 From: United States Registered: Apr 2012: posted August 05, 2013 03:54 AM Does anyone have interpretations for pallas conjunct ic? (1 degree cancer) IP: Logged. & I’m sure a lot of other things were at play. Posts: 828 From: UK Registered: Dec 2009: posted January 07, 2010 08:04 AM Can anyone enlighten me as to the effects of this aspect please? And both of Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. I allow a two degree orb. So does my Uranus on his IC feel like Uranus conjunct Moon? Anyone else has this aspect? Pls share your experience. "People with planets conjunct the anti-Vertex, particularly an important planet like the Sun or a ruling planet, are often unusually self-contained. Tag: moon conjunct IC synastry Uncategorized Moon in the Houses in Synastry. His Moon is also opp. hypatia238 Moderator . It’s best to avoid the water houses overlaps, it’s also best to avoid planets falling into your first house in synastry, it can become too overwhelming, 3rd house, 5th house, 7th house, 9th house, 11th house synastry overlays are usually very lovely. it's hard to tell what effect this has when other synastry factors are also at play, but we manage to come back together all the time despite dating others or trying to move on. com) Lindaland Astrology 2. We joke and play and laugh all the time. I love seeing Moon conjunct Moon, Moon trine Moon and even Moon sextile Moon in synastry. I would look to see how the IC person's Moon is behaving The Aqua guy I was courting up til recently has his Eros conjunct my Pisces moon by 1. com) Lindaland next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon/planets conjunct IC : MMarie Knowflake . This will feel very familiar as if you were childhood friends. In the romantic connection, their Moon was also conjunct my Uranus, ruler of my But I just started seeing someone who's moon is conjunct my IC and Mars in Aries. It is the most intimate part of oneself. problematique Knowflake . Posts: 72452 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 4th house is HOME life. his asc is also conjuncts my moon/neptune. This aspect often creates a deep familiarity and mutual appreciation of core values and personal identity This last guy his moon is on my IC and my moon on his 8th, I Loved cuddling with him so much and got attached so fast! Ahhhhh! I feel moon in the 8th has the issues of moon conjunct pluto and moon in the 4th is like a moon conjunct moon. Emotions can run a bit high between us, but it isn't a bad thing. The DSC person may be able to feel his own heart and soul more via the partner. Moon/Venus is tender, pure love. Posts: 326 From: Registered: Apr 2015: posted August 19, 2015 05:59 AM Does anyone have experience with IC conjunct Moon in Synastry is one of the soulmate contacts. We’ve also gone through many issues together and for If your Moon conjuncts my IC, or falls in my fourth house, it relates to having a Moon/Moon conjunction. Posts: 6663 From: Registered: Mar 2010: posted April 12, 2012 12:37 AM Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. I just thought of him as an online chatting buddy as we got on so well. A couple who had Sun conjunct South Node they had nice synastry even Moon conjunct Moon and was married for three years (even had Saturn conjunct north node) ended in divorce. Posts: 60182 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Author: Topic: Moon conjunct Sun synastry: Cinnamon sky Knowflake . com) Lindaland Our synastry is strong, and there are definitely feelings as well as friendship on both sides, But he's holding on to past hurts and is just not ready. Posts: 118 From: Registered: Jun 2013: posted August 25, 2013 08:13 AM so what will this mean? moon + lilith exact conjunct IC and so opposes MC. Before I met my guy who I had this contact with, we spoke together on the the net for 5 months before we met. com) Lindaland This Page to Someone! This topic is 2 pages long: 1 2 : next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: North Node conjunct IC in synastry : Neptunian Venus Knowflake . I think I also like it because then their Mars is also trining or sextiling my Mars. Posts: 6663 From: Registered: Mar 2010: posted April 12, 2012 12:37 AM we have all planets conjunct or in opposition. The most prominent Saturn configuration in the composite is Saturn conjunct the IC at a 2 orb. Posts: 59 From: Btwn Neptune and the Moon Registered: Aug 2015: posted November 28, 2015 07:48 PM Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. The Moon represents our emotional needs and the way we express our feelings. Plus, that VENUS/PLUTO. com) Lindaland Author: Topic: Moon Conjunct ASC Synastry: Brenda_S Knowflake . His sun was on my Ascendant, my sun was on his IC, and my North Node conjuncts his Saturn on his MidHeaven. This is a house naturally ruled by Cancer, the Moon's ruler. ) and a Legum Magister (LL. One astrologer Well, the PSYCHE conjunct PSYCHE ain't whistling Dixie; that's a strong tie -- very soulful linkage between two people. Randall Webmaster . next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon conjunct Mars in synastry CrankyCap Newflake . com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Moon conjunct Chiron synastry Author: Topic: Moon conjunct Chiron synastry: jadave Knowflake . BlueTopaz124 Knowflake . Whether or not integration actually happens, Lindaland Brown Owl School ASTROLOGY: Synastry of the Moon/Asteroids (Page 1) Synastry–The Moon Conjunct 20 Asteroids. This chart also features a Hera-Zeus-square at one degree. Mercury trine Mercury would be perfect for business partners or intellectual collaborators of any sort Moon conjunct IC- these natives will have a strong mutual interest in family and domestic affairs,and there will be a strong mutual emotional ties in family relationships. com) Lindaland While I may be unaffected by this new PLUTO (which has moved out of range), if the other person has their MOON conjunct mine in synastry, they will get the jab from my PLUTO. My mercury (libra, 5th) is conjunct my true node and Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. He fell for me long before I did with him. When your Lilith aspects your someone's planet (especially the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, or the Ascendant), you are magnetically attracted to this person, and can't get them out of your mind. Here's the chart: IP: Logged. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology North Node conjunct IC in synastry (Page 1) next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: North Node conjunct IC in synastry : Neptunian Venus Knowflake . 0 Synastry Moon conjunct/opposed ASC profile next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Synastry Moon conjunct/opposed ASC: Thermidor Knowflake . Moon-Mercury conjunct is a fantastic synastry aspect, but more so for friendships than romantic relationships. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Astrology 2. ' IP: Logged. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Moon Opposite Eros Synastry Registered: Jul 2013: posted February 02, 2015 12:27 AM I've found many info on Moon conjunct Eros synastry, but I was unable to find anything about opposition. Eventually, the Mars person said they felt held back. For example: Bruce Lee -- Pallas conjunct Moon Evander Holyfield -- Pallas conjunct Moon Joe Frazier -- Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Moon Square Mars Synastry UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon Square Mars Synastry: Brenda_S Knowflake . His 7th Ruler Mars is in his 8th, though, and trines the Pluto-IC conjunction 0°. I am moon, he is pluto. I have a Cap moon and It is a deep bond, but I also see in your synastry a lot of soulmate markers if the time of birth for both is very precise: Sun conjunct Dsc Mars conjunct Vertex Venus conjunct Vertex (these 2 Vertex conjunctions also present mirroring for Mars and Venus) South Node conjunct Vertex Saturn loosely conjunct South Node Chiron conjunct MC Good synastry doesn’t have emotional exhaustion, karmic synastry can, I was talking about healthy relationships. Wish you all the best! IP: Logged. This means I will feel "like With the man who's Pluto is conjunct my IC 1°, I think what you said is Lindaland Astrology asc/ MC and dc/ic in synastry UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: asc/ MC and dc/ic in synastry: ladya22 Knowflake . com) Topic Closed Lindaland Astrology Moon conjunct Mars in synastry profile | register | preferences | faq: This topic has been transferred to this forum: Interpersonal Astrology. JUNO conjunct DESCENDANT: Possibility of having a loving relationship dramatically increases with this aspect. I love the sparkiness and emotional hotness the moon brings vs. 0 Are sun-moon contacts in synastry really that great? (Page 1) profile | register | preferences | faq: UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! This topic is 2 pages long: 1 2 : next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Are sun-moon contacts in synastry really that great? AnastasiyaEnchanted Knowflake . Posts: 274 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Apr 2009: posted July 13, 2009 12:48 AM I was googling Moon conjunct IC and this thread came up This is true for memy moon conjunct their Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. This lady`s natal chart (well her discovery chart) has a bit much in terms of soulmate pairings going on. Has anyone experienced these conjunctions, and what happened? IP: Logged. And to top it, he has the moon/Neptune conjunction in 12th too so I wonder if it is worse for him? I hope solol. His moon on my IC. missio unregistered : posted November 15 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. my sun/valentine is conjunct his dsc. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Ascendant conjunct Midheaven in synastry Topic: Ascendant conjunct Midheaven in synastry: seeker3030 Knowflake . Posts: 116 From: usa Registered: Oct 2015: posted January 09, 2017 06:22 PM Can anyone tell me their personal thoughts on moon conjunct Chiron Or moon conjunct Her husband nn conjunct her ic. It's similar to having the person's Moon in the other's 4th house, but the effects are felt quicker and are stronger because of the Moon sitting on an angle. 5 degrees in my 7H. IP: Logged Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 86 From: Florida Its a trip Well, the PSYCHE conjunct PSYCHE ain't whistling Dixie; that's a strong tie -- very soulful linkage between two people. IP It is indeed a very moon-saturn themed relationship. Family background and emotional conditioning will be important factors in their ability to get along. com) Lindaland Asteroid Astrology pallas conjunct ic profile | register | preferences | faq: Author: Topic: pallas conjunct ic: elixir Knowflake . Connections to the Axis in Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Complete PDF Reports. Posts: 217 From: Registered: Aug 2016: posted October 11, 2017 01:27 PM This is supposed to be the magical connection between partners. Ok--If you are the vertex person and he brings you Nessus, he will bring abuse to you imo. Current relationship has his Pluto conjunct my IC (and Venus), and my moon conjunct his IC (and NN), and my Mars trine his IC. This can be very satisfying to enjoy a good home together life, at first –especially if you have a Lindaland Astrology 2. I was telling him how I was going to met a guy for a date. Posts: 3105 From: California Registered: Oct 2014: posted May 08, 2018 01:41 AM I highly recommend dating someone whose Mars conjuncts your Moon if you're a woman. CRCRINCON Knowflake . I guess it works together with the rest of our synastry. Hence, one needs to be aware of any asteroid that touches it in synastry. I really agree with what you said. Unfortunately my moon's is very wounded, and I was definitely the one who decided to pull away. We also have moon conjunct pluto in our composite chart. His Sagittarius moon in 12th house conjunct my Neptune in 7th house His Neptune Sagittarius in 12th house opposing my moon in 1st. 10. com) Lindaland Astrology Moon conjunct Mars in composite next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon conjunct Mars in composite: dorkus_malorkus unregistered : posted November 15, 2005 05:10 PM I am fairly new to composites/synastry! IP: Logged. Posts: 120 From: France Registered: Nov 2012: We have Trine Moons, Opposite Asc, his Moon Conjunct my IC (his Moon and my IC both Square Uranusso his experience of me is wholly His Sagittarius moon in 12th house conjunct my Neptune in 7th house His Neptune Sagittarius in 12th house opposing my moon in 1st. It's a different kind of connection than Moon/Jupiter. We do have deep conversations and maintain a tight relationship together. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Moon Conjunct North Node in Synastry (DW) UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon Conjunct North Node in Synastry (DW) Mohini108 Newflake . Posts: 9194 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Pluto-Moon vs Pluto-Venus in Synastry: Hikaru29 Knowflake . This does not mean a person When the Moon is conjunct the Imum Coeli (IC), it can indicate a strong connection to one's roots and a deep need for emotional security. I'm the vertex person in the vertex conjunct nessus synastry Also I'm the dejanara person in the dejanara conjunct moon synastry. Posts: 61 From: Registered: Jan 2021: posted March 27, 2022 04:33 PM JUNO conj ASCENDANT in synastry is a clue to an ideal relationship with balance in love, romance, care and passion. We're very in tune and it's an effortless kind of communication. Moon conjunct Nessus Moon Conjunct IC : The Ultimate Guide. Posts: 2874 From: the outskirts of Delphi Registered: Dec 2017: posted September 14, 2021 06:14 AM Her husband nn conjunct her ic. IamLove unregistered Moon and Midheaven conjunct in the synastry chart. Posts: 6 From: Australia Registered: May 2009: posted February 20, 2010 06:18 PM Moon conjunct the IC as well can be a very deep connection between the emotional needs and the emotional security needed to be expressive of these. Posts: 6 From: CA Registered: May 2013: posted June Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Ten Aspects for Good Communication in Synastry (Page 1) If a synastry had this plus a close Moon synastry, then there would be both a head and a heart component. My moon on his MC. Since I'm the Mercury person, I think I have a way of speaking that really stirs their inner spirit (Moon) or something. Posts: 247 From: Registered: Sep 2018: posted December 16, 2018 06:14 PM There's a lot of info online Her husband nn conjunct her ic. 12. 0 Author: Topic: moon opposite mercury in synastry: heart cakes unregistered : posted February 26, 2009 12:10 AM My mercury (libra, 5th) is conjunct my true node and square neptune and uranus (capricorn, 9th) and quincunx Saturn (Pisces, 11th). My Neptune conjunct his Vertex His Pluto conjunct my Vertex His Moon conjunct my Anti-Vertex His Mars conjunct my Anti-Vertex. but his draco asc conjuncts it exact. Also since his BML is conjunct his Sun its also square my Sun, Mercury and opposite Pluto. Posts: 12 From: San Antonio, Texas, USA Registered: Dec 2015: 10. My Ceres/Pluto midpoint falls on my ASC and I have Persephone . 0 How is a Moon-Venus relationship? (Page 1) (Moon/Venus) in synastry and composite is often deemed as very fortunate, especially in marriage, because it makes you enjoy each other's presence - you want to be around that person often; and also it can point to a love for children and "home". Pluto is conjunct my chart ruler Venus and Pluto is on my AC. 0 moon opposite mercury in synastry Author: Topic: moon opposite mercury in synastry: heart cakes unregistered : posted February 26, 2009 12:10 AM (virgo, 4th) is squared jupiter (Sagittarius, 7th) and sextile mars (scorpio, 6th). com) I was just today searching for info on Pluto/Moon conjunct MC in synastry! Thanks Winky . Him/Me: Sun opposite Moon Sun conjunct Mars Pluto conjunct Moon Pluto square Venus Pluto opposite Mars Moon conjunct Saturn Moon square Moon Moon opposite Venus Sun square Venus Sun square Saturn Saturn trine Moon Mercury I love it! But then again my Moon and Venus are conjunct. com) Lindaland Asteroid Astrology Ami, Dejanira conjunct moon (synastry) Also I'm the dejanara person in the dejanara conjunct moon synastry. com) Topic: synastry aspect: moon + lilith exact conjunct IC : lisalisa Knowflake . So naturally each others careers. We’ve been together on and off for ages and have always come back to each other. vansio Knowflake . It can 'get under the skin' in many cases. I have that in synastry with the same person. Asteroids do not Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. it's like a compulsion to be with the other person because (as moon anyway) you feel emotionally Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. This placement will grow stronger in the latter part of life • Moon conjunct IC. com) Topic Closed Lindaland next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Alma in synastry and few other asteroids @Ami Anne: PainInTheWorld Knowflake . Plus synastry Moon on the IC can also mean you spend a TON of time at home together. his venus in the 1st house is conjunct my amor, trine my Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 1204 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012: posted July 17, 2013 01:14 PM What is your experience with this aspect? Was this a romantic/attraction aspect or more platonic? The IC person may see the Sun person as someone who understands or enhances their sense of home and emotional security. just Venus in with Mars. Diana Knowflake . Posts: 0 From: Ohio Registered: May 2009: posted Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. If another person's personal planet, and especially the Sun or Moon, forms an aspect such as the ones referred to above, that person represents some kind of promise of integration to the Sun/Moon midpoint owner. (except for my mars which IS now included because it progressed into correct sign) his asc is conjunct my ic by 2 orb. Compagnion soulmates A certain pattern is seen within the people you connect with on a deep level, all sharing similar life stories and experiences and mostly those small group of close friends have the same Sun / Rising / Moon sign OR in the same element. xvvic gfw dkpo cghsg nxiiuqc goam ntoqcj mojstn goxg yabgqn