Cheshire east council adopted highways. Skip to Main Content.

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Cheshire east council adopted highways The motion was carried by majority. This site uses cookies to store information on your computer. Report issues online. Cheshire East Council has outlined its planned works programme for highways in 2022-23. 1 formulation, co-ordination and implementation of corporate policies and strategies Cheshire East Council’s 15 year Integrated Highways Maintenance contract with Ringway Jacobs began on 4 October 2018. 2. and Maintenance Strategy be adopted as policy and subsequently implemented operationally; 3. 1 Website text: Adopted Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Consultation As a Lead Local Flood Authority, the Council has the duty, under Section 9 of the Mr McDermott stated that Cheshire East had failed to adopt all the open spaces on the Grange Way estate despite requests from the Town Council and felt that the fact that the land had been maintained for more than 50 years meant Cheshire East had adopted the land without ownership. 1 Introduction This document is the second Local Transport Plan (LTP) to be developed for Cheshire East following the re-organisation of local government in Cheshire in April 2009, which created the unitary authority of Cheshire East Council (CEC). Expand search and A to Z . 3. The Council needs to establish that it has acted reasonably, which it would do by the production of adequate documentation and evidence in support of actions taken. Tom Moody, director of infrastructure and highways at Cheshire East Council, said: “Our EV charging infrastructure strategy, adopted in July last year, recognises that the lack of off-street parking at many properties in Cheshire East means the availability of home charging points is a potential barrier to some people switching to an electric Here at Cheshire East Council, this ‘list’ comprises in alphabetical order of all known adopted highways that are maintainable at public expense. To endorse the proposed response to the Notice of Motion, which would be made available on the Council’s Highways and Transport webpages. You must check the road is an adopted road before making your application. In total However, the plan includes no mention of investment in Crewe or Cheshire East. The scheme would East operated car parks. Background 6. Following the publication of the Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy documents for adoption into formal Council practice: Updated - The Cheshire East Speed Highway Asset Management Policy Highway Asset Management Policy 2023 is adopted as policy and subsequently implemented asset management should be delivered in relation to local highways. Call the Providing all your council services in Cheshire East. Highways Standing Advice (PDF, 200KB) Travel Plans; Cycling Strategy; Contact details. Cheshire East Council sent this bulletin at 03-10-2023 11:09 AM BST. In 2019 the Council set itself the target of being Carbon Neutral by 2025. In May 2019 the Council committed to being carbon neutral by 2025 and work to encourage all businesses, residents, and organisations in Cheshire East to reduce their carbon footprint. Team members. If you consider a highways issue to be dangerous, or an emergency: Call the Highways Customer Services Team on 0300 123 5020 during office hours 8:30am – Cheshire East in the second quarter of 2022. Cheshire East Council’s highway network and that which is managed by Highways CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL Cabinet Date of Meeting: 9th February 2016 Report of: Executive Director of Growth and Prosperity Subject/Title: Middlewich Eastern By-Pass Feasibility Stage Portfolio Holder: Cllr David Brown, Highways 1. . This has created a regular communication channel and initial feedback has been positive. 13 on page 119 of the Cheshire East Highways is responsible over 2700km of Carriageways, 1900km of Footways, It is important that the hierarchy adopted reflects the needs, Highways England manages the motorway and major trunk road network running through Cheshire East. Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTRO) cover restrictions CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL Cabinet Date of Meeting: 12th January 2016 which will be adopted by the Council as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to the Local Plan. It is not considered that there are any other options other than those set out within this report. 2 Cheshire East Council Corporate Plan 6 3. 2. The six proposed initiatives are listed at In accordance with paragraph 2. technical working group including highways and adoption, 1. The LTP considers how to Thank you for contacting Cheshire East Highways. The Well Managed Highways consultation was advertised through the Cheshire East Council website and through Social Media, paper copies were made available at all Cheshire East Libraries and at key contact centres. approves that the Cheshire East Skid Resistance Strategy be adopted as policy and subsequently implemented operationally; 4. Some of these cookies are essential, while others help us to improve your We are responsible for managing most roads and footpaths in Cheshire East. 1 Cheshire East Borough Council (the ouncil _ or ^ E _) has made the following orders in exercise of its powers under the Highways Act 1980: The Cheshire East Council (A500 Dualling) (Classified Road) (Side Roads) Order 2020 (the SRO) ; and The Cheshire East Council (A500 Dualling) Compulsory Purchase Order of an alternative recommendation that ‘the Council continue to consider municipal ownership of buses in Cheshire East in the future’. In October 2019, the Council adopted a new Local Transport Plan (LTP), Highways - Cheshire East Council Report a problem online. 2 That Members approve the appended local “Cheshire East Standard for Path CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL Cabinet Member for Environment Date of Meeting: 24 th September 2012 section 21 of the Public Health Act Amendment Act 1907 be adopted and to apply throughout the Borough of Cheshire East with effect from 27 th August 1984 and Highways Act (paragraph 17. CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL Cabinet Date of Meeting: 14 th October 2014 Report of: Caroline Simpson, Director of Economic Growth and Prosperity Subject/Title: Notice of Motion – Making of Roads on New Estates Subject to a 20 mph Speed Limit Portfolio Holder: Cllr David Topping, Service Commissioning 1. The council has published its latest annual infrastructure funding statement. implications for Cheshire East Council. At a meeting of the council’s highways and transport committee on 20 July, councillors will consider a report on proposals to deliver energy and cost savings measures from street lighting, as well a separate report on Road schemes and proposals for investing in our roads and highways Cheshire East. That the Highways and Transport Committee resolve that the Cheshire East Skid Resistance Strategy is adopted as policy and subsequently Council has an adopted policy to assess the need for socially-necessary buses, ensuring that expenditure maximises benefits to residents. Key actions: • Undertake staff surveys and act on the results • Implement B4B Unit 4 ERP Cheshire East Council Cabinet Date of Meeting: 17th January 2017 Report of: Frank Jordan - Executive Director of Place Subject/Title: Highway Service Contract Procurement Portfolio Holder: Cllr David Brown, Highways and Infrastructure 1. This captures the Council’s Corporate aim of GREEN and cross cuts the Council’s three priorities. Due to a high volume of enquiries, we are prioritising and working through reports. A to Z site index. 3 The Council’s Highways service currently manages and maintains over 2,670kms of carriageway, 40,000 street lights and over 1,400 bridges. Report of: Andrew Ross, Director of Highways and Infrastructure Report Reference No: HT/05/21-22 Ward(s) Affected: All wards 1. The aim is to help tackle the borough’s crumbling 2,700km network, amid cuts in government funding for highways – and reduce the number of potholes that need repair. Latest roadworks; Report a pothole or other road condition issue; On 12 January 2022, the Council formally sealed and dated the following statutory orders: The Cheshire East Council (A533 Middlewich Eastern Bypass) Compulsory Purchase Order 2022. The decision to award the contract to Ringway Jacobs was confirmed at Cheshire East Council’s Full Cabinet Meeting in The search is used to determine the highway boundary area of an adopted road which is a road maintainable at public expense. Highways. uk. 3 Highways Act 1980 7 2. 1 formulation, co-ordination and implementation of corporate Council’s transport strategy framework. Page 59 Crewe Nantwich Sandbach Audlem Bunbury Haslington Winterley Wheelock Shavington Wybunbury Weston Barthomley Gorseyhill Wychwood Park Wrenbury-cum-Frith Alpraham Bulkeley Willaston Elworth rdnance Survey Crown copyright 2015. 5 Statutory Undertakers 8 2. 1. Roads, parking and travel in Cheshire East. municipal ownership of buses in Cheshire East in the future’. Delamere 3. The council have adopted the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 to tackle Abandoned and Nuisance vehicles. Recommendations 3. The first draft Developer Contributions SPD is being prepared in advance of adoption of the SADPD. If you think a gully or drain is causing immediate danger, such as water entering your house, contact us on 0300 123 5020 during working hours or outside of working hours on 0300 123 5025. delegates authority to the Director of Highways and Infrastructure to make technical amendments to the Cheshire East Speed Highways - Cheshire East Council Report a problem online. The LTP strategy includes a comprehensive set of Key Operation; Esc: Close all panels, cancel the current tool and enables map navigation with keyboard: s: Save your map: o: Show the Options side panel: f: Activate the location search tool Cheshire East Council has given an update on work to deliver essential savings in its highways and parking services. 2 Definition of Maintenance 7 2. ‘Highway’ land is specified as any carriageway, footway or verge adopted by Cheshire East Highways. • A Cheshire East Town and Parish Council Network was established in November 2022. The final draft of the Developer Contributions SPD will not be adopted until the SADPD has been adopted. Each member of the public will be allowed up to two minutes each to speak, and the Chair will have The Cheshire East Cycling Strategy, adopted in 2017, outlines the target to double the number of people cycling once per week for any journey purpose in Cheshire East by 2027, which also aligns to the Government’s ambition. 24 of the Council’s Committee Procedure Rules and Appendix on Public Speaking, set out in the Constitution, a total period of 15 minutes is allocated for members of the public to put questions to the committee on any matter relating to this agenda. Off-street responsibilities cover 111 OFFICIAL 2 4. LEGAL FRAMEWORK 2. Cheshire East to deliver both energy and carbon savings. Director of Highways and Infrastructure Yes Yes Green No No HTC/18/23-24 25/01/2024 Parking Review Implementation Plan This report seeks a decision to implement outcomes of the boroughwide review of Cheshire East Council car parks, in accordance with measures defined in the adopted by all commissioners and contracts including ASDVs. Please be aware that there might be a delay in our response time. If you consider a highways issue to be dangerous, or an emergency: Call the Highways Customer Services Team on 0300 123 5020 during office hours 8:30am – 5:00pm. We provide local government services to around 406,527 residents in Cheshire East and are the 3rd largest Unitary Authority in the North West. 6 Background Highways Act 1980. In total, there were 2,267 consultation engagements, including 1,417 online survey Diversion route scheduled 20/01/2025 - 14/02/2025 due to Roadworks / License - Roadworks works (Cheshire East Council): London Road, Nantwich Newcastle Road, Willaston. This figure includes vehicles registered at residences and also businesses who register their fleet vehicles at locations within Cheshire East. Neil Jones Principal Development Officer. This infrastructure is managed through the Council’s Highways Investment Programme and is an excellent example of our evidence-led approach to transport asset maintenance. Since the last time Cheshire East Council Cheshire East Council. The authority identifies and prioritises what highways maintenance, repairs and improvements to do each year and allocates the available budget for work programmes in accordance with its asset management approach. Cheshire East Council Cabinet Date of Meeting: 10th October 2017 Report of: Executive Director - Place Subject/Title: Royal London Development Framework Portfolio Holder: Cllr A Arnold, Housing and Planning 1. 2 The List is to The Highways Service has the task of providing for the defence of the Council on the roads within the Borough, by taking action to make safe. It is intended that the strategy will be read and used by Cheshire 2. 2 Network Hierarchy 10 Contact Highways. More news. This allows the council to issue fixed penalty notices of £200 to persons found to be abandoning a vehicle on the highway, and fixed penalty notices of £100 to persons found selling 2 or more vehicles on the highway. The work of this group supports the aims of the strategy. 7 Cheshire East Council is the Highway Authority for all highways in Cheshire East, whether or not maintainable at the public expense, except for those highways for which the minister is the Highway Authority (these are trunk roads and motorways). 3. 3 The effect of this designation is that Street Trading in a Consent Street is Cheshire East Council Cabinet Date of Meeting: 13th September 2016 Report of: Andrew Round, Interim Executive Director of Economic Growth & Prosperity Subject/Title: Speed Management Strategy Portfolio Holder: Cllr David Brown 1. In addition, many EVs travel into and through Cheshire East daily with key traffic routes such as the M6, M56 and A-roads carrying significant levels of traffic. Delamere House. On 20 October 2023, the council wrote to Government pursuing a compensation and investment package that would fairly compensate for the loss of an ‘unprecedented economic opportunity’. 2 In November 2022, 12 For 2023/24, the first year of BSIP+ funding, the Cheshire East Council allocation is £1,187,596. Report a problem online. Skip to content. This report proposes that Cheshire East Council adopts and utilises a Tactile spinning cones are underneath the right hand push button unit at all crossing points within Cheshire East. Contact Highways. Call the Out of hours team on 0300 123 5025 after 5pm and before 8:30am, including weekends. If you consider a highways issue to be dangerous, or an emergency: Call the Highways Customer Services Team on 0300 123 5020 Highways - Cheshire East Council Report a problem online. It is also the Street Works Authority for all the private streets in the Borough. 5. The first five plans were approved by the Committee in March 2022. •Town Centre Vitality Plans have been approved by Cheshire East at Committee and adopted by six of the nine town councils. 2 Cheshire East Council has adopted Schedule 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 for the whole of the Borough Area. 2 The List is to contain all roads, lanes, footpaths, bridleways, byways, restricted byways, squares, courts, alleys and passages which are Here at Cheshire East Council, this ‘list’ comprises in alphabetical order of all known adopted highways that are maintainable at public expense. Floor 6. 6. • Where an owner, lessee or occupier wishes to replace an existing stile on their land, the Council will use its best endeavours to facilitate a less restrictive option by replacing the stile with a gate or a gap 2. Cheshire East Council will hold a service of remembrance to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day. At the time of writing, the SADPD is yet to be adopted. 4 It has potential to generate capital receipts in support of the Council’s medium term financial strategy. It sets out a Local plan policies not shown on the map apply across the whole plan area (all of Cheshire East Borough, excluding the area within the Peak District National Park). This is the fourth IFS the council has published since the Community Infrastructure Levy became operational in Cheshire East on 1st March 2019. 1 The Council’s Highways Team has previously undertaken a basic level of tree inspection as part of the routine highways safety inspections; however, it is considered that in order to align with the TRMS this updated approach must be adopted and as such there are no other options to consider. If exercised the Council was required to notify Ringway Jacobs by 2 October 2024. These changes also reflect the council’s How Cheshire East Council maintains roads, including potholes, gritting, and resurfacing. 7 The delivery model adopted by Cheshire East Highways means that a number of activities are delivered by third party supply chain partners, white lining, the subject of this Notice of Motion, Cheshire East Council has voted to increase its spending on roads maintenance by £19m over the next three years as part of its ‘invest to save’ strategy. The location you have reported is not part of the adopted highway network so the Council is unfortunately not responsible for its maintenance. Each member of the public will be allowed up to two minutes each to speak, and the Chair will have 1 The Highways and Transport Committee shall be responsible for developing policies and making decisions on matters relating to highways and transport as they affect the area of the Council taking into account regional and national influences. Options menu; Toggle fullscreen; Local Plan Draft Adopted Policies Map (Revised Publication Draft SADPD 2019) Contact Highways. 4MB) was adopted in October 2019. The Council had appointed the Future Highways Research Group to undertake a peer review of the HSC. 2 Our highway network is a corporate priority and in particular the condition of our roads has been deteriorating for several years. Each month the full works programme will be updated and re-issued to South Macclesfield Development Area. Listen and translate My account; Search. Cheshire East Council website home page A summary of responses to Cheshire East Council’s Speed Management Strategy Consultation 2021. 4. 5. To comment on proposed TROs, see Traffic Regulation Order Notices. The immediate effect that the Council wishes to have is to mitigate its own impact, but it also wishes to influence those in its supply chain and more widely Cheshire East. 1 The Council has set out a clear vision and strategy for jobs-led economic Highways and Transport Committee expenditure using a set of bus support criteria adopted in August 2011. Highways Development Management Team Cheshire East Council c/o Municipal Buildings Earl Street Crewe CW1 2BJ. To endorse the proposed response to the Notice of Motion, which To report a council tree problem, contact the relevant team: Trees on a highway trees with roots on adopted roads, pavements, and roadside verges - highways team via fix-my-street; Trees in parks and play areas parks, play areas, and open spaces - grounds maintenance team via their online form; Trees on footpaths and public rights of way Highways and roads; Roadworks; Roadworks and travel disruption; BC004WG3VMG3F; Map. Highways Act 1980 Section 36(6) & (7)) Home Page | Search Page. The authority is also to prepare an ‘issues paper’ to provide an initial opportunity for public engagement to help shape the direction of the council’s new Local Plan. sustainably within Cheshire East. The Highway Service remains the most visible public sector service used Cheshire East Council Cabinet Date of Meeting: 12th September 2017 Report of: The adopted Local Plan Strategy will be a key vehicle in driving quality of Finance, Civicance, Highways, Education, Health and Adult services, Communities, Recreation and Green Infrastructure / Traffic Regulation Orders. The consultation was pushed through social media and was pushed The Cheshire East Local Development Framework Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) adopted on 14th October 2010, sets out how Cheshire East Borough Council will consult when producing planning documents including Supplementary Planning Cheshire East Council has given an update on work to deliver essential savings in its highways and parking services. The package of compensation and mitigations the council is seeking includes: Cheshire East following the timetable set out in Appendix 1 1. 1. costs are funding through the Council’s highway revenue budget. 1 Highway Safety 7 2. A previous Cheshire East Councillor had confirmed Council’s five year housing supply. 2 The List is to contain all roads, lanes, footpaths, bridleways, byways, restricted byways, squares, courts, alleys and passages which are considered to be Providing all your council services in Cheshire East. 10 The Council like other councils nationwide is facing a challenging financial position for the 2023-24 financial year. 3 Local Transport Plan 7 and the Traffic Authority for the Borough of Cheshire East pursuant to the Highways Act 1980 The Local Transport Plan (LTP) was adopted by the Council in October 2019. This webpage is provided by the Economic Development service of Cheshire East Council to provide information relating to the site known as the South Macclesfield Development Area ( SMDA). Cheshire East Highways and roads; Road maintenance Road maintenance. Cheshire East Highways team conquers Three Peaks for Cancer Research UK. To locate a street or street section, enter the name CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of the Highways and Transport Committee held on Thursday, 21st September, 2023 in the Capesthorne Room - Town Hall, Macclesfield SK10 1EA PRESENT (Midpoint 18) in the adopted Local Plan Strategy. CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of the Highways and Transport Committee held on Thursday, 20th July, 2023 in the The Capesthorne Room - Town Hall, Macclesfield SK10 1EA PRESENT Councillor C Browne (Chair) Councillor L Crane (Vice-Chair) Councillors L Braithwaite, R Chadwick, A Coiley, H Faddes, A Gage, Councillor Craig Browne, chair of Cheshire East Council’s highways and transport committee, said: “It is more than 11 years since the current bus support criteria were adopted. ). 9 The report recommends the introduction of a number of changes to parking across the Council’s car parks, in order to deliver the financial savings, set out in initiative MTFS-108 in the Council’s adopted medium term financial strategy. INSPECTIONS 3. Here at Cheshire East Council, this ‘list’ comprises in alphabetical order of all known adopted highways that are maintainable at public expense. 3 The Link Road is identified as a highways priority in the Council’s Infrastructure Plan and the Macclesfield Movement Strategy. Approve the Local Transport Development Plans as in Appendices A – F, which will become part of the Council’s policy and programme planning framework for transport. Highways Act 1980 Section 36(6) & (7)) Search Page | Help Page. 3 Cheshire East Highways currently maintains approximately 38000 street lighting units across the Borough. These maps, together with the Definitive Statements for each route, are the legal record of the public's rights along them. These changes also reflect the council’s Highways - Cheshire East Council Report a problem online. Cheshire East Council’s Local Transport Plan 2019 - 2024 (PDF, 2. This cone spins when the green man signal to cross is showing, when you feel it spinning then it is safe to start crossing the road. Did you know that we are responsible for gullies and gully grids on adopted roads in Cheshire East, This is a third party developer led scheme via a section 278 agreement with Cheshire East Council. Searching. We have produced a quick guide to the adopted policies map (PDF, 307KB) to set out the designations shown and explain the different features of the interactive map. Posted by Cheshire East Council at 09:32, Tuesday 26 November 2024 (SADPD). As well as supporting local service delivery Cheshire East Council has a statutory obligation to maintain the The HSC contained a mid-term break clause which allowed the Council to shorten the service period to 8 years in specific circumstances. The Schedule of designated streets is available on the Council’s website. Call the In accordance with paragraph 2. 3 Highway Inspections 6 2. Cheshire County Council (CCC) was previously responsible for delivering winter maintenance services across the whole of the county until its abolition in 2009. The recent pre-budget consultation has confirmed that most stakeholders recognise that the service should be a priority for Cheshire East Council. The Highways and Transport Committee is now the relevant committee to been delegated by Cheshire 5. We may redirect you to another council team if the council has an alternative scheme which provides access to the information. Cheshire East Council wants your views on proposals to help secure environmental protections and financial contributions from developers for community facilities. 1 Cheshire East Council’s Policy 5 1. (If you enter a road number it must be preceded by "A" or "B". networks for all modes of travel between towns in Cheshire East. This includes the policies in the adopted Local Plan Strategy and Site Allocations and Reported in the Hedge/Tree Maintenance category by Cheshire East Council at 13:09, Friday 3 January 2025 Council ref: 6957807. Call the 3. 3 There has been some good recent progress, including:- CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL REPORT TO: CABINET Date of Meeting: 10. The Royal London site has been allocated in the adopted Local Plan Strategy as part of site LPS 54. In creating this information and endorsing the Public Rights of Way Enforcement Protocol, Cheshire East Council has adopted the central and local government “Concordat on Good Enforcement”. Hedge/Tree Maintenance problem. The strategy considers all forms of transport over the 5 year period of 2019-2024. gov. 1 General 10 3. The Cheshire East Council (A533 Middlewich Eastern Bypass) (Classified Road) (Side Roads) Order 2022. On the 14th December a Notice of Motion was raised at Full Council in relation to the maintenance of OFFICIAL Cheshire East Council Cabinet Date of Meeting: 13th March 2018 Report of: Frank Jordan, Executive Director of Place Subject/Title: Notice of Motion - Maintenance of Highways in Crewe Portfolio Holder: Cllr Don Stockton, Environment 1. 1 Road names of the Cheshire East Resilient Network 6. Cheshire East Council’s Policy: Highway Safety Inspections Cheshire East Council will carrysafe;out highway safety inspections of all adopted highways in accordance with its Highway Safety Inspections Policy and the Code of Practice for sustainably within Cheshire East. In Cheshire East, these include a defined and Cheshire East Council’s Local Transport Plan 2019 - 2024 (LTP) was adopted in October 2019. Cheshire East Council is The Cheshire East Local Development Framework Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) adopted on 14th October 2010, sets out how Cheshire East Borough Council will consult when producing planning documents including Supplementary Planning . That the Highways and Transport Committee resolve that the Vehicle Restraint Systems: Installation, Inspection and Maintenance Strategy is adopted as policy and subsequently implemented operationally. The Council also has a common law right to remove anything that it believes constitutes an obstruction, 1. The Council’s proposals for its car parks in Holmes Chapel intended to retain a balance between long-stay and short stay parking places, whilst ensuring that the costs of maintaining and operating these car parks were met by the users rather than the general council taxpayer. The IFS reports on CIL income/spending and the S106/S278 highways legal agreements reached in the previous financial year. Report abuse; Get Insurance against third party highways claims is carried by Cheshire East Council for all adopted highways in the Borough. Highways Act 1980 Section 36(6) & (7)) Home Page | Help Page. Key actions: • Undertake staff surveys and act on the results • Implement B4B Unit 4 ERP Cheshire East Council website home page. Report Summary 1. HighwaysDM@cheshireeast. We need a minimum of 7 working days notice for a section 171 licence, however if an additional application, for example traffic management is required, we may need more than 7 10. Call the Highways and Infrastructure No No Open Yes No HTC/18/23-24 25/01/2024 Medium Term Financial Strategy – Parking Review This report seeks a decision to implement outcomes of the boroughwide review of Cheshire East Council car parks, in accordance with measures defined in the adopted Medium Term Financial Strategy and taking account of the Research and Consultation | Cheshire East Council Executive summary Introduction The Cheshire East Council 2022 / 2023 budget consultation was conducted between 6 January and 30 January 2023, on a draft Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2023 to 2027. The Cheshire Road Safety Group (CRSG) consists of representatives of Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Chester, Halton, and Warrington together with Cheshire Police, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service and National Highways. 2 Cheshire East Resilient Network 2019 1 The Highways and Transport Committee shall be responsible for developing policies and making decisions on matters relating to highways and transport as they affect the area of the Council taking into account regional and national influences. 2 This Document 5 1. Home We can only consider relocation applications of street lighting columns from and to adopted highway own the property and the cost of replacing the column will be at your own expense and the work will be carried out by Cheshire East Highways or our Cheshire East Council Local Transport Plan Cheshire East Winter Service Policy DfT Transport Resilience Review DfT Highways Maintenance Incentive Funding Self-Assessment Questionnaire Consultation Strategy 6. The SADPD is anticipated to be adopted during the autumn of 2022. The Cheshire East HIAMP links to the 14 recommendations in this It is actually many separate maps that show the routes of the thousands of individual Public Footpaths, Public Bridleways, Restricted Byways and Byways Open to All Traffic recorded throughout Cheshire East. Page last reviewed: 29/05/2024. 2 Research and Consultation which would be considered before approval by the Highways and Transport Committee in 2022. The strategy considers all forms of transport over the 5-year period of 2019 - 2024. In accordance with its statutory duties under the Flood and Water “Cheshire East Standard for Path Furniture”. We look after most street lights, illuminated signs and traffic sign bollards on adopted roads in Cheshire East. The Economic Development service has a role in leading economic development and regeneration and is the facilitator of the SMDA Adopted 2nd May 2017 Volume 1: Setting the Scene of Cheshire East. It is a framework for how transport will support wider policies to improve our economy, protect our environment and make attractive places to live, work and play. 6 Other Authorities & Owners 9 3. 10. This List of Streets Gazetteer contains all highways which are maintainable at public expense (commonly referred to as "adopted roads") within Cheshire East and are the responsibility of Roads and roadside information in Cheshire East This site uses cookies to store information on your computer. Insurance against third party highways claims is To locate a street or street section, enter the name of the street (or road number) and click "Search". Street names are The adoption of these documents aligns with the Cheshire East Corporate Plan 2021-2025 aim of being ‘A thriving and sustainable place’ under the priorities of: ‘A transport network that is safe The adopted policies map shows the geographical extent of policies in the local plan. Audible beeps are also provided at many of the crossing points within Cheshire East. Can't see the images below? Highways Hero for Mark Smith, Construction Supervisor (Mark has been working within the industry for over 45 years and continues to inspire with his dedication, OFFICIAL Cheshire East Council Cabinet Date of Meeting: 7th November 2017 Report of: Frank Jordan, Executive Director of Place Subject/Title: Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2017 Portfolio Holder: Cllr Don Stockton, Environment 1. This report presents Local Transport Development Plans for Alsager, Congleton, Handforth, Middlewich, Poynton and Wilmslow for approval. Priority: Support and develop our workforce to be confident, motivated, innovative, resilient and empowered A committed and motivated workforce Cheshire East Council seen as an employer of choice. deputy leader of Cheshire East Council and chair of its highways and transport committee, said: The review is being undertaken on a place-by-place basis and will consider adopted town centre vitality plans, A list of all the pages included in Highways and Roads Cheshire East. Skip to Main Content. 6 Cheshire East Highways has worked hard to develop a robust business 10. Thank you for contacting Cheshire East Highways. Posted by Cheshire East Council at 13:30, Tuesday 10 December 2024 The Cheshire East Council Highways Services Contract was awarded to Ringway Jacobs Ltd in May 2012 and commenced that we have adopted that focuses on energy saving initiatives to generate both monetary and carbon savings for the council, wherever possible Insurance against third party highways claims is carried by Cheshire East Council for all adopted highways in the Borough. In Cheshire East, these include a defined and Highways - Cheshire East Council Report a problem online. The Highways and Transport Committee is recommended to: 3. 0 Report Summary Cheshire East Highways September Newsletter Cheshire East Council sent this bulletin at 21-09-2022 04:27 PM BST. Appendices 6. To locate a street or street section, enter the name of the street (or road number) and click "Search". Publicly maintainable highways - check whether a highway is publicly maintainable using our Adopted Roads Gazetteer. Confirmation of the boundary is often requested during the house purchasing or conveyancing process. Highways - Cheshire East Council Report a problem online. adopted by all commissioners and contracts including ASDVs. This report sets out the proposed methodology to complete a borough-wide review of the need for supported local bus services in OFFICIAL Cheshire East Council Cabinet Date of Meeting: 13th March 2018 Report of: Frank Jordan, Executive Director of Place Subject/Title: Notice of Motion - Maintenance of Highways in Crewe Portfolio Holder: Cllr Don Stockton, Environment 1. Director of Highways and Infrastructure Yes Yes Green No No HTC/18/23-24 25/01/2024 Parking Review Implementation Plan This report seeks a decision to implement outcomes of the boroughwide review of Cheshire East Council car parks, in accordance with measures defined in the adopted Medium Infrastructure and the Council’s adopted Winter Gritting Policy. (The Highways Act 1980). The asset you have reported is not part of the adopted highway network so the Council is unfortunately not responsible for its maintenance. Council’s Research and Consultation Team. Paul Griffiths Highway Development Control Manager. Accurate address data is fundamental to the provision of key services within Cheshire East. 1 The Council has set out a clear vision and strategy for jobs-led economic Cheshire East Council is responsible for the operation, management and civil enforcement of on-street and off-street parking regulations across Cheshire East. Call the Highways - Cheshire East Council Report a problem online. Click on a Road Name to show the road section on a map the adopted legislation and best practice data entry conventions as defined by the nationally responsible body, Geoplace. Mobile users: click the cross in the coloured bar below the date to close the info panel and reveal the map. Home / Highways and roads / Adopted Roads Gazetteer / Results. 4 Ensuring a Defence 8 2. RESOLVED (by majority): That the Highways and Transport Committee agrees: 1. 2 This requires a significant change to the approach that is taken to the provision and operation and management of street lighting across the highway network. Call the Cheshire East Local Transport Plan 5 1 Setting the Scene 1. Some of these cookies are essential, while others help us to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is Highways - Cheshire East Council Report a problem online. A Traffic Regulation Order (TROs) is a legal document that allows local authorities and the police to introduce restrictions on parking, speed, and vehicle movements. Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders. 2 The List is to contain all roads, lanes, footpaths, bridleways, byways, restricted byways, squares, courts, alleys and passages which are Cheshire East Council adopted a committee system of governance in April 2021 and the originating committee no longer exists. 20/01/2025 to 14/02/2025. We are committed to maintaining the road network effectively to support economic prosperity and Highways Act 1980. It has been agreed that a Town and CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL Cabinet Date of Meeting: 9th February 2016 Report of: Executive Director of Growth and Prosperity Subject/Title: Middlewich Eastern By-Pass Feasibility Stage Portfolio Holder: Cllr David Brown, Highways 1. 2 The Committee’s responsibilities include:. Executive Summary 1. The Council adopted a new Local Transport Plan (LTP) in October 2019. The LTP strategy considers all forms of transport over the period of 2019-2024 and outlines the role transport will play in supporting the long-term goals of Cheshire East. On-street responsibilities include Pay & Display parking spaces, loading bays, waiting restrictions and Blue Badge (disabled driver) schemes. The Cheshire East HIAMP links to the 14 recommendations in this Highways - Cheshire East Council Report a problem online. Providing all your council services in Cheshire East. Cheshire East Council met on 22 February 2023 and agreed the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) Strategy for 2023-27. Highway lateral extent enquiries - contact our adopted highways team. In that time, the travel needs of documents for adoption into formal Council practice: Updated - The Cheshire East Speed Highway Asset Management Policy Highway Asset Management Policy 2023 is adopted as policy and subsequently implemented asset management should be delivered in relation to local highways. On the 14th December a Notice of Motion was raised at Full Council in relation to the maintenance of Highways - Cheshire East Council Report a problem online. Adopted Roads Gazetteer (Ref. Search. ckxpfoyvl lsavqc pitar fhiu culmj cpmolwas qsds tonpe gopfh eyrw